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Side B Theology Exposed

Side B Theology Exposed: The Push For More Homosexual Pastors

Side B Theology is one of the most pressing compromises in Evangelicalism today. It asserts that homosexual desires and identity are not sinful, in a partial affirmation of homosexuality and transgenderism. Logically, this could be carried over to pedophilia. A few weeks ago, Evangelical Dark Web reported on Preston Sprinkle hosting a conference on Preston Sprinkle wanting more churches to have homosexual leaders. Evangelical Dark Web infiltrated the webinar and the findings are quite interesting.

Art Pereira appeared on the radar after his homoerotic friendship became the subject of a woke preacher clip in 2021 from his session at the Revoice Conference. Art Pereira is the main speaker, while Greg Coles is the host. Greg Coles is Preston Sprinkle’s consigliere at the Center For Faith.

A Need For Gay Pastors?

The case made by Art and Greg is that there is a disproportionate number of celibate homosexual and or transvestite congregants compared to the number of homosexual and or transvestite ministers. Thus, they make a woke equity argument insisting that demographics determine the proportions of representation. Moreover, they argue that preventing gay pastors is adding an extra-biblical barrier to ministry leadership, believing that homosexual desires and identity are not a reproach to ministry.

The conversation continues by lauding Side B pastoral candidates as “deeply countercultural” in their witness. In this he talks about how they bear their cross, referring to (the sin of) homosexuality. Yet Jesus bore the cross for our sins, and our cross to bear is not our sins but the suffering we encounter for following Christ.

So what can straight Christians learn from gay pastors? According to Art Pereira, gay pastors can teach the church how to be single. This has been a typical response from Big Eva to the issue of the myriad of unmarried young people. Rather than try to solve this problem, Art Pereira continues the industry pattern of embracing and adapting to it.

Microaggressions and Restoration

There is an entitled mentality at work here. On numerous occasions throughout the webinar, microaggressions are brought up as a difficulty for homosexuals and transvestites in the church, especially in job interviews and whenever marriage is talked about or used as a sermon illustration. Art is repeatedly miffed by what he perceives as a double standard in job interviews because he wears his sexuality on his sleeve. So he questions whether the interviewers would ask a straight person these questions. In certain instances, he has a point to be made as a candidate with a girlfriend should be asked. 

From there he starts talking about support systems and restoration. And while there are plenty of examples of high profile pastors getting restored to ministry after sexual sin, Art Pereira insists that homosexual sin be treated equally to heterosexual sin, as though sodomy is not an added component to the sin of fornication. He mentions how he asked the interviewer if the sins would be treated the same, and they said that they would not be, leading Pereira to pout about how it’s “not okay.”

Leaving Reality

Towards the end, Art Pereira gets bolder in his nonsensical claims. He asserts that homosexuals and transvestites are “no more likely to struggle with sexual sin.” This is despite how these people identify with sexual degeneracy.

Moreover, he takes umbrage with being accused of pedophilia or the appearance thereof, claiming that homosexuality and pedophilia are completely unrelated. The data disagrees with him on that, as there are a disproportionate number of homosexual pedophiles compounded by massively underreported male child sex abuse cases. But the sex offender registry doesn’t lie, and here’s an interesting 2022 study that tries to garner sympathy for homosexual and transvestite sex offenders.

The Unchurched Log In The Eye

While lecturing the church on why it needs more homosexuals and transvestites in leadership, Art Pereira is not attending a church himself. Having been a youth pastor when he first came on the scene in Revoice, he is now a staffer at Revoice. Yet he is in search of a church that will accept him. Greg Coles is a member of an Evangelical Covenant Church, an apostate denomination.


The Revoice organization is working behind the scenes in more ways than it appears, according to many things that Art Pereira alludes to including being hired by churches and denominations to train them. Moreover, Preston Sprinkle is not to be trusted on this topic, as this is the content that he is putting on.

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3 Responses

  1. Not really fully a comment on the article’s main point, but I’m sorry, but did Preston change his name or did his parents just want him to be gay? Really… Preston Sprinkle?

    1. I had a similar thought the first time I heard of him. I imagine him wearing an apron and baking cupcakes. It’s super gay.

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