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Alistair Begg Gay Weddings

Alistair Begg Doubles Down, Gets Canceled By American Family Radio

Ever since the bombshell story Evangelical Dark Web broke about Alistair Begg encouraging a grandmother to attend a gay wedding, the fallout has been seen across the Evangelical world, garnering attention from Steve Deace, Ed Stetzer, Jon Harris, James White, Owen Strachan, Samuel Sey, and others. Evidently, this story does not have a happy ending, as the American Family Association caught wind and would sever ties with Truth For Life Ministries over this. Alistair Begg is no longer to be featured on American Family Radio.

The announcement came on Wednesday

“Pastor Begg’s program will no longer air on American Family Radio,” he tells AFN. “He is an excellent Bible teacher. We certainly wish him the best.”

Begg, 71, a native of Scotland, is senior pastor of Parkside Church in Cleveland, Ohio. His radio ministry is heard on approximately 1,800 radio outlets.

Before being dropped, “Truth for Life” ran in a 30-minute weekday morning slot on AFR. The radio ministry of AFA operates about 180 radio stations across the United States.  

In that time slot Wednesday morning, when AFR listeners would usually listen to Begg’s program, AFA informed listeners about the decision in a live broadcast that included Vitagliano, AFA president Tim Wildmon, and AFA vice president Walker Wildmon.

During the communication with AFA, the message was clear that Alistair Begg was not repenting of his position encouraging attendance of a gay wedding.

When it comes to attending the ceremony honoring two homosexuals, Vitagliano says AFA strongly disagrees with the pastor who, according to his staff, sees the issue as one of individual conscience. Some Christian believers, for example, would not watch an R-rated film but others will. 

“This is a critical issue in the body of Christ right now,” Vitagliano tells AFN. “And this is not only the wrong counsel, but it is deeply disturbing for Christians who want to hold the line against the cultural impact of the LGBTQ agenda.”

On the live broadcast, Vitagliano said he told Begg’s staff he is also a pastor who has taught Jesus showed his approval for man-and-woman marriage in the Book of John, when he attended a wedding in Cana. 

“So the question is, if a Christian goes to a homosexual wedding, are they approving of it?” he said. “And our answer here is absolutely.” 

Walker Wildmon said the goal of the phone call with Begg’s staff was to find some “reconciliation” but it did not happen, he said. In an attempt to clarify the situation, he and Vitagliano “pressed the issue” with several questions until it was clear — without any misunderstanding — that Begg was standing by his comments from the September podcast.

“This isn’t something that we saw coming,” Wildmon told AFR listeners. “This isn’t like some of the others, evangelical leaders, that have drifted. This is not one that was on the list.”

This is an unfortunate development. But AFA did what they had to do and cut ties.

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9 Responses

  1. Right, his logic, in claiming respect for conscience works in both directions, both away from sin and toward sin, is about like saying it’s fine to rob a bank, or commit cold-blooded murder, as long as it doesn’t bother your conscience.

    That’s not what the Bible says. Respect for conscience only works in one direction, away from sin. For example, scriptures such as 1 Cor. 8:9-13, where the issue is eating meat. It’s not a sin to eat meat. But if it bothers those who eat vegetables, who want to make absolutely sure they’re not sinning, then we should leave them alone, and also not do anything in their presence that would violate their conscience.

    If it bothers the conscience then it’s wrong.
    Yet if it doesn’t bother the conscience, that does not automatically mean it’s right.

    Respect conscience.
    Don’t respect lack of conscience.

    It doesn’t work both directions. And the Bible is clear on that, when it speaks of those who are given to sin as having a seared conscience, and so on.

    It basically means if we err, we err away from sin.

    I’ve begun to mention conscience more and more in part because of the legal ramifications, but also to point out that it is a sin to force or extort a brother or sister in Christ to violate his or her conscience. Which should stop the side-b, abortion-supporters, etc. crowds in their tracks. Even if they think they’re right, if they demand that others go along in violation of conscience, then that is a sin in and of itself. I tried to clarify on the earlier thread, understanding many will try to reverse it and say sin is fine as long as it doesn’t bother the conscience. No, respect for conscience applies where there is a conscience. It doesn’t necessitate or imply respect for the lack of conscience.

    This is a concept that even sheep like me can understand. Mr Begg should know better.

    AFA has done the right thing.

  2. And it should also be noted, that a conscience is not the same as feelings. It’s not what feels good or what doesn’t. It’s what tells you something is wrong even when it might conflict with feelings. When the Bible talks about it, then the Bible’s definition of it is what applies.

  3. I shouldn’t have used the terms force or extort, even though those individuals and groups are advocating for the government to do precisely that. It is sinful to even try to talk someone into violating their conscience. It’s sinful, for example, for the side-b crowd to even have a podcast and to even talk about it. They’re trying to convince Christians to violate our conscience, and that is sinful in and of itself. The same applies to those who call themselves Christians and try to talk brothers and sisters in Christ into supporting and funding abortion. Even if they wrongly believe what they’re advocating for is not sinful, the advocating itself is sinful. If it involves trying to convince, much less force, brothers and sisters in Christ to push and test the limits, much less blow past the limits, then it is sinful. That’s the point.

  4. A strong conscience is a good thing
    A weak conscience is a bad thing

    There are no flaws in God’s reasoning. There are no loopholes in His logic. It’s just as plain and simple as it can be. And it takes a wicked and prideful heart to try to look for and find flaws and loopholes that don’t exist, in an effort to try to justify wickedness or condemn righteousness, to push the limits and test the Lord, and worse to try to convince or force others to do the same.

  5. Matt. 16:27 “For the Son of Man is going to come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and will then repay every man according to his deeds.” Men like Begg and Don Carson are being given grace as they have been called out and can humble themselves while still in this life to repent before they stand before God. I hope this lady did not go to the “wedding” (it is an Equivocation fallacy to call it that) as even if her relative knew her position others there would not, some who might be teenagers dragged there with their parents seeing Christians all around compromised. Begg’s accent always got him more influence than his mind. He always appeared to have left the fight in his own country (that needed Christian influence more that the US at the time) only to fail in the fight here.

  6. I’m just stunned that no one over at AFR caught this since last September. Doesn’t anyone over there listen to the content?? And there was no outcry from listeners until Ray found it?

  7. “He always appeared to have left the fight in his own country (that needed Christian influence more that the US at the time) only to fail in the fight here.”
    That statement is ignorant and unmerciful. I hope God doesn’t use the same type of reasoning when you stand before him.

    Many Need pray about all that’s being talked about Regarding Alistair Begg.
    Do You All Not See, If anyone acts as Jesus ? There’s division !
    While I was informed, Alistair did not say participate with the ceremony, and the grandma did not !
    I get it, I understand !
    I attended a church, I knew the Pastor in sin , Living with his wife ! His thoughts I will repent later, and few years later finally married and did.
    And I had to shake the dust off my feet, leave that church, few months later I was invited to the Pastors wedding, I did not attend ! And anyone who attends there is in error !!!
    Because True Believers do not ever have an attitude continue in sin, repent later, he may be a lead Pastor, does not mean God will not hold him and all leadership with him for believing a lie , it’s ok to do anything repent later ( and blasphemy against the Holy Ghost is Lying Against the Spirit of the Living God ! ) And people may not today, just drop dead. All I will say for now !!!
    How many of you have children living with non spouses ?
    So when I had no where to go ! Totally disabled , unable to work ! Lived with my son and his girlfriend, because I could not get accomodations at a shelter, You will condemn me as well !!!
    And since Feb. 2018, I have been in my own place, and may be facing eviction ? Because of the Fraud, (which I turned proof in of 102 pages, and 91 before that of SSA. EMPLOYEES COMMITING FRAUD ! ) SO WHEN I WAS Disabled ,unable to work , in error for not living in a vehicle or homeless in the streets because I know GOD DID NOT WANT ME IN A CAR, NOR HOMELESS !!! AND I LIVED BRIEFLY 2 MONTHS ROUGHLY WITH 2 IN SIN AND THEY KNEW I DID NOT APPROVE, NOR AGREE !!!
    And I am Being Blocked A Lot for Posting This !
    Well I have not seen anyone blocked for posting Pastor Alistair is wrong, And a lot I was blocked for posting mine , You all need Pray !!! I posted after I saw 2 comments, then afterward I saw finally OPPERTUNITY to hear some ( very short) what Pastor Alistair said, just because radio stations cut Truth FOR LIFE Off, does not make them walking in the Spirit of the Living God, nor that they have personal relationships with Jesus Christ, nor that they know the voice of the LORD, CREATOR OF ALL, and we are Positive not to say Sin is ok, and positive Not partake in sin, That also means we are to minister at times as Christ, right in the midst. I will continue to say ” Be Careful !!! ”
    Are you all against TBN AS WELL ? It’s a question ?
    I have by strictly the Spirit of God confronted many pastors in churches, in sin ( no man speaking anything to me ) and watched God literally remove all who refused to repent ! And sadly, unrepented 2 died So best You All Seek God, Pray. Pray that Leadership. Is Not deceived into thinking someone is or is not in sin, based on their thought they know so much !!!
    When I took one Pastor to a board, shared I confronted the Pastor, God gave me all would Laugh, and they did !!!
    And God Allowed I say, yes, however not a one of you will Laugh when God exposes the adultery,fornication, witchcraft, and sorcery the Pastor has brought in, Nor will you laugh when God removes him, nor will you laugh when he dies, from not repenting !!!
    Truth , Not one board member laughed, and all happened as God told me to share.
    So be Careful, Be Wise, Be Prayerful !!!
    Father In Jesus Name, I lift Pastor Alistair up,unto thee oh God, thou knowest I have never heard a Sunday service on line, nor any sermon here on FaceBook, nor one on one place, that the Senior Pastor Backs Anything with homosexuals, God you know, Thank you Father you can shut their mouths, attitudes down. Father help Alistair, deal with every true and false statement ! Help him to walk UPRIGHTLY IN THY WORD, STAND FOR THE TRUTH IN THE HOLY WORD OF GOD !!! AMEN, TY GOD YOU HEAR AND ANSWER MY EVERY PRAYER , AND ALL SAYING ANYTHING, TEACH THEM BIBLICALLY 1ST THEY TAKE TO THE PASTOR ALONE, ONE ON ONE, THEN WITH TWO OR THREE ELDERS, THEN TO THE CHURCH, IF NEEDED. AND THE PASTOR HAD BEST BE DOING THE WRONG THEY ARE stating.
    And I would Encourage All individuals to pray, seek God if ever Faced with this ?
    I am reminded while SAW some comments ! Three things to share.
    1) Are you a 💯 Positive the Spirit of the Living God was not drawing on anyone’s heart ! Where the grandma attended ?
    2) Are you a 💯 Positive God had no purpose in a believer attending ?
    3) In 2013 , I asked several Christians to drive me to a Christian concert ( where I actually met Shawn McDonald, we had about a 20 min. Conversation before the lead Pastor of the Methodist Church put everyone in the dark, ending our conversation ) Not one so called termed Godly individual would take me, even though I offered $50.00 for gas, I pay for all other expenses. There was a bus driver who said she would,when I told her it was a Christian concert, she admitted she was gay, so I was aware.
    On the way to the concert, yes I knew God wanted me there, I let her drive me ( And I would not just advise anyone to do that ! )
    And informed her, anyone says anything to you about you are gay, get me, do not talk, no one who professes to be a Christian will verbally or mentally nor in any way attack my driver, who was provided by the Spirit of God ! To this she cried, And did not at the moment understand !!!
    Went , attended. Was driving back, concert was a very long drive away, over 2.5 hours.
    I just started sharing,what I knew God was requiring I share.
    All a sudden, my gay driver, had to pull over, she unable to see between her. Tears and the rain.
    Was then she said, you would have protected me as simply being human had anyone attacked me, no one has ever been willing, yet alone stated they would do that for me ! And what you don’t know ???
    I was raised in a Christian home, and to live in heaven ((although you have not stated blatantly one word about my sin, yet you did in all you shared, without condemning me)), I need repent and divorce my wife, because its ungodly and I am aware, more then ever after meeting you.
    I knew I had to be at the concert, to meet Shawn McDonald and was, no people of God could obey God to help me, so God used another most unlikely open vessel.
    I will say, All should be very careful in accusing Pastor Alistair of Anything !!!

  9. April, I am absolutely 100% certain that a born again Christian should not attend a so-called “gay marriage” any more than we should attend a bank robbery, a seance, a pagan ritual, a strip club, a KKK meeting, a Nazi march, a Communist rally, a march for slaughtering the unborn, the church of Satan, a cannibalistic ceremony in the Amazon rain forest, or thousands of other places and events we should not attend, and should have nothing to do with whatsoever.

    God can use anyone and anything for His purposes, even wickedness. But that doesn’t mean we should advocate for it just because God used it. That’s about like saying it’s fine for siblings to do what Joseph’s brothers did to him, just because God worked it out to His glory and for His purposes. And that’s just one example from scripture, among many.

    Your basic reasoning, April, is that since God can turn the tables and use any all manner of wickedness and evil for His purposes, we should then support any and all manner of wickedness and evil, never daring to question or correct any who do so. And that’s not how it works.

    I am 100% certain that God does not want us attending any such ceremonies, places, or events. There is zero question. No ifs ands or buts.

    Mr. Begg made his statement publicly. And that requires a public correction, and public repentance, in order to ensure none continue to be misled.

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