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Jared Moore Lust Of The Flesh

Church Leaders Boosts Jared Moore’s Campaign By Highlighting His Criticisms Of Preston Sprinkle

Jared Moore’s campaign for Southern Baptist president has upset the right people, so while the other candidates for the office have been given rather generic write-ups by Ed Stetzer’s Church Leaders, Jared Moore was given an article that highlighted his criticisms of Preston Sprinkle’s heretical Side B Theology.

The article titled Pastor Who Called Preston Sprinkle a ‘Heretical Liar’ To Be Nominated for SBC President

Last November, Theology in the Raw’s Preston Sprinkle invited Moore on his podcast to discuss why Moore called Sprinkle a “heretical liar.” Sprinkle accused Moore of misrepresenting his views on biblical sexuality. Moore had said Sprinkle was a “heretic” after author Dr. Rosaria Butterfield labeled Sprinkle as such during a convocation speech at Liberty University.

Sprinkle rarely engages with those who voice their opposition of his views on social media, but after Moore posted a summary of what he believes are heretical teachings by Sprinkle, the well-known author and podcaster asked Moore if he’d come on his podcast.

Moore’s list of Sprinkle’s “heresies” included:

“Being gay is not sin, Being transgender is not sin, Gay Christians and transgender Christians can fully follow and honor God while being gay or transgender, the church can learn from gay Christians, the church can learn from transgender Christians, Christians do not have to repent of being gay or being transgender, gay can be good, transgender can be good.”

Moore claimed that everything he posted came from “direct quotes and sources” by Sprinkle.
What stands out is that this article is not some rush to defend Preston Sprinkle’s heretical ministry. Rather it is evenhanded despite being published by a liberal publication that is gay affirming. It’s worth noting that Church Leaders rushed to defend Andy Stanley and have many articles promoting Side B Theology.
So this was great coverage by Church Leaders and a nice highlight of why Jared Moore is the right man for the times.

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