Regarding the border invasion of America, there are waves of people passing through Mexico from even as far as South America, requiring that they traverse the treacherous Darien Gap, but their journey is not without substantial patronage from the US government, United Nations, and sinister NGOs. While it is expected that Catholics, Jews, and other mainline Christian agencies would contribute to America’s invasion, it is most unfortunate that evangelical Christian organizations are doing so too. At the north end of the conveyor belt, the SBC’s Send Relief sponsors several projects in coordination with the Baptist River Ministry along with the progressive Cooperative Baptist Fellowship. At the beginning of the immigration conveyor belt would be Samaritan’s Purse, the Christian charity helmed by Franklin Graham.
Samaritan’s Purse is most famously known for its Operation Christmas Child, which sends the shoebox of gifts to various children in the third world, who when receiving it, are also presented with the Gospel. Samaritan’s Purse is a billion-dollar ministry and is perhaps the largest evangelical missions organization in the world. Since 2018, they also received anywhere from $22-$45 million in grants via USAID for various international projects, most of which were spent in Africa. The funds received via federal grants were greatly increased under the Trump Administration.
In serving Central and South America, they gave money to an organization called R4V, which stands for Regional Interagency Coordination Platform for Refugees and Migrants of Venezuela. According to the Center for Immigration Studies, Samaritan’s Purse pledged $718,513 to this project.
In their own words, R4V describes themselves:
In April 2018 the UN Secretary-General provided direction for [United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and the UN’s International Organization for Migration] to lead and coordinate the regional response to the situation of refugees and migrants from Venezuela. Further to this direction, the Regional Inter-Agency Coordination Platform was established as a forum to coordinate the response efforts across 17 countries of Latin America and the Caribbean.
At national and sub-regional levels, the Regional Platform is complemented by local coordination mechanisms. Dedicated National and Sub-regional Platforms, collaborating closely with host governments are charged with the operational coordination and implementation of the regional Refugee and Migrant Response Plan (RMRP). Such coordination platforms are in place at national levels in Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru and at sub-regional levels in the Caribbean, Central America & Mexico and the Southern Cone.
What sounds like a UN humanitarian project to aid those fleeing Venezuela is actually a project that is facilitating the invasion at the US southern border under the guise of refugees. R4V partners with 248 NGOs and operates in 17 nations throughout Central and South America with an operating budget of $1.59 billion.
While their name might imply that they serve specifically Venezuelans, their official 2024 plan of action states otherwise, specifically denoting that it serves “In-Transit (Other Nationalities),” but specifically only counts Venezuelans in Mexico and Brazil (pg. 14 and 43). Furthermore, under R4V’s Refugee Response Plan, the Health initiatives include “sexual and reproductive health, family planning,” which is code for abortion.

To give some perspective, about 38% of these so-called refugees end up claiming asylum in America, a problem that has gotten worse since June of 2023.

R4V is not merely a humanitarian aid service but also distributes cash assistance. In 2024, they project to give $239.81 million in Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) and $132.46 million in Multipurpose Cash Assistance (MPC). This is basically the UN program giving free money to the migrants which funds their journey from South America to America.
Back in January, the New York Post reported the following:
That money is most often handed out, other UN documents show, as pre-paid, rechargeable debit cards but also hard “cash in envelopes,” bank transfers, and mobile transfers the U.S. border-bound travelers can use for whatever they want.
In other words, these people hand out free money. They use Colombia and Ecuador as the launch pad sites to dispense the preloaded debit cards. And yes, much of this money comes from the US taxpayers, albeit indirectly.
Colombia is a Samaritan’s Purse priority in South America, as according to their 2022 Form 990, they “operated the La Donjuana shelter on the main route used by Venezuelans between the border and the capital city of Bogota, serving more than 28,700 migrants.” In 2023, they gave $218,411.00 designated to Colombia with $33,860.00 towards MCA.
Strange Bedfellows
The complete list of partners for R4V can be found on their website, which begs the question as to why Samaritan’s Purse is listed amongst these other detestable organizations. Most notably, there is HIAS, the Jewish NGO with its hands in every migrant crisis. Then there is World Vision, the apostate Christian organization whose presence is unsurprising. Salvation Army and Red Cross appear in their various iterations. The Catholic organization Caritas appears with several Jesuit NGOs. The Seventh Day Adventist’s Adventist Development and Relief Agency is a sponsor along with the Lutheran World Relief. As a point of comparison, Compassion International was not featured as a partner.
Samaritan’s Purse has been confronted about this money, per The Federalist:
The Federalist asked Samaritan’s Purse if it was aware its financial partnership with R4V benefits more than just Venezuelans and supports other migrants’ goal of crossing the U.S. border illegally. The organization’s Director of Marketing and Media Kaitlyn Josten claimed Samaritan’s Purse “does not support illegal migration” and that its Multipurpose Cash Assistance program is “strictly directed towards Venezuelan migrants who are legally entering Colombia or Colombian returnees who have made the decision to establish themselves permanently in Colombia.”
“No funds are used for cross migration purposes,” she wrote. “Samaritan’s Purse is deeply concerned about human trafficking and sexual violence, and we are very aware of the humanitarian crisis.”
What the migrants do with the money after they have received it is beyond the control of Samaritan’s Purse, though their contributions to the MCA are negligible. The problem is not that they gave out free money to migrants who may have gone further north, but that they are partnering with the cabal of the UN and NGOs that actively and intentionally facilitate the border invasion of America.
Surely there are better organizations to partner with to prevent human trafficking and assist those who genuinely need help. Most of these NGOs are expected to partner with a mass migration project like R4V, which makes Samaritan’s Purse a strange name in their midst.
The point of this is not to dissuade churches from participating in Operation Christmas Child or rescind donations, but rather leverage Samaritan’s Purse to demand accountability. People are dying and the nation is bankrupting itself because of the invasion at the border. Franklin Graham wanted to go on his tour of the US border towns doing a sermon series, speaking to the needs of these communities, but he ignored the fact that NGOs are contributing to the problem at the border, including Samaritan’s Purse
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One Response
I AGREE with questioning for Franklin Graham and…. samaritans purse.
I do not believe it is what we thought it was for sure!
I think people are gonna be surprised about Franklin, Graham and Samaritans purse big-time