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Steven Furtick

Steven Furtick’s Elevation Church Does Not Use Word Resurrection For Easter Marketing

 Nicki Shearer, the digital content director for Elevation Church, did an interview with Pro Church Tools explaining why they do not use the words “resurrection,” “calvary,” or “the blood of Jesus.”

To quote Nicki: “For us, the most important thing on Easter is inviting people to church. This means reaching people far from God. So we’re not going to use the words calvary, resurrection, or the phrase “the blood of Jesus.” We won’t use language that will immediately make someone feel like an outsider.”

She explains that people who are not Christians should not be made to feel like nonChristians. Essentially, they want to bait people and hope to switch them with the gospel, at least, if Elevation Church was a biblical church. But Steven Furtick is a notorious false teacher, and a rather unintelligent one at that.

Pro Church Tools defends the comments of Nicki Shearer in the comment section of their video stating:

When Paul spoke with the Epicurean and Stoic philosophers he used their language and starting point to held them understand Jesus. Jesus spoke in parables in a third of all of his teachings in the synoptic Gospels – why? Because talking about lost coins, and sheep, and wine made the truth of the Gospel accessible to everyone. Meet people where they are. Lead them to where God wants them to be.

To a different commenter, they noted that a church invite is “not exhaustive. This response to criticism is not surprising considering this ministry seems to love propping up false teachers.

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2 Responses

  1. Non-Christians ARE outsiders. “Churches” that emphasize being welcoming and inclusive above being biblical and gospel-centered do not help people nor glorify God.

  2. Jesus did not respect Jewish rituals — he did not condone blood sacrifice, nor did he ever say that he “came to die for your sins”. Contemporary Christian theology would be unrecognizable to Jesus. He said that others could do “greater things” and the reason you cannot is that his teachings were suppressed by the same government agency that selected and censored the books in your bible.

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