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Michael O'Fallon no credibility

Destroying Michael O’Fallon’s Credibility

Micahel O’Fallon is one of the staunchest opponents of Christian Nationalism operating in Big Eva. And like many in Conservative media, Micahel O’Fallon has used predictions of the worsening state of the country to bolster his credibility. When someone says something bad is going to happen and then it happens, it certainly gives the impression of good insight. But what if this is a facade built on banality that masks an otherwise inaccurate record?

On Christian Nationalism, which O’Fallon consistently refers to as integralism, a Papist ideology, O’Fallon has repeatedly pushed the narrative that its an op by the Feds and that people are pulling the strings of its prominent players. But this has long been a bloviated lie, just like O’Fallon’s credibility. When we took a look at his record, it was much worse than we thought.

Branch Covidianism

Covid was a delineating issue at the time. Many of the prominent Christian Nationalist influencers, ie Joel Webbon, grew in prominence for having a biblical response to the coronavirus. It was an undergirding fault line between the disgruntled laity and the institutions that laid down to the government including G3, where O’Fallon was a board member. For years, we thought Michael O’Fallon never compromised on covid, thus being a rare exception of someone who got Covid right but opposed Christian Nationalism. But this turned out not to be the case. In April 2020, O’Fallon boasted the efficaciousness of masking to prevent coronavirus. He shamed CPAC for not masking and pointed out how he knew that the Surgeon General “lied” about masking to protect the supply. O’Fallon bragged in April 2020 about supporting masking before it became the domineering position in American society.

O’Fallon supported the idolatrous lie of masks stopping the spread of a virus, and this position aged poorly. This level of compromise on Covid went largely unnoticed until now.

Former Allies

It’s known that multiple former allies of O’Fallon are now viewed as enemies to him. In 2021 he posted a list of celebrated thinkers that for some reason listed Ben Shapiro as an up-and-coming voice.


Stephen Wolfe is on this list, as he used to write for Sovereign Nations. This was before The Case For Christian Nationalism came out. So what changed? Yet given the volume of pages, this book had to have been in progress while the two were on friendly terms. Aside from Wolfe, O’Fallon also used to laud Jon Harris and AD Robles for their stance against Critical Race Theory, but they would not be on friendly terms because the latter opposed liberalism (see below).

17 Predictions

At the beginning of 2023, Michael O’Fallon laid out 17 predictions for the year. How did these perform? Let’s grade these generously.

1. The world-wide push for Central Bank Digital Currencies will incrementally evolve towards both national and global acceptance

This objectively did not come to pass in 2023 and does not look to in 2024 either.

2. The Big Brothering of World Governments and Corporations

I will grant him this even though it’s vague, subjective, and banal.

3. There will be another attempt at creating a reflexive health crisis

This did not happen in 2023.

4. The amount of fury from those who have been vaccinated will exponentially increase

This did not happen in 2023. We saw no political will for Covid accountability given the 2022 primary results nor would this change in 2023.

5. The Vaccination Revelations will have a serious effect on the campaign of President Donald Trump

This did not come to pass. Ron DeSantis could not use Covid to dismantle Donald Trump.

6. There will be chaos and fracturing in the Republican Party

There were leadership struggles in 2023 for sure, but the party did not fracture. So half point.

7. The explosion of 15-minute cities

This did not happen in 2023.

8. The Beginning of the End of the Personal Automobile Industry

This is vague and can hardly be attributed to happening in 2023.

9. The disrupting and dismantling of the Golden Age of Travel

This is occurring more in 2024 with the Boeing crisis and did not occur in 2023.

10. China’s dominance across the world will grow

This is banal. I will grant him this based on American decline alone.

11. The increased call for the Balkanization of Western nations

This happened in 2023 but it slowed down the backhalf because of high interest rates. Point granted.

12. Conservative Reformed Evangelical Parachurch ministries and organizations will blame “liberalism” for the current state of our nation – and not their decade-long attempt to deconstruct Christianity for the Marxian substitute of “social justice”

This absolutely did not happen in 2023. Most parachurch ministries were quick to uphold liberalism and the ones that did not were not a part of a decade-long woke apostasy scheme.

13. The loss of cognitive liberty through invasive cerebral instruments

What even is this? It appears to have something to do with chip implants in the brain.

14. Wars and rumors of wars will continue in Ukraine and beyond

This was an easy pick and did happen.

15. The transition of western economies from abundance to scarcity

This did not happen in 2023.

16. The rise of “Health Equity”

This did not happen in 2023 in a discernable way.

17. Artificial Intelligence will make a very invasive leap into our lives

This did not happen in 2023 (keyword invasive). AI was exposed as glorified chatbots mixed with search engines, instead.


So the grand total on the scorecard is 4.5/17 predictions or 26.47% for you math wizards out there. All of Michael O’Fallon’s accurate predictions for 2023 were continuations of ongoing trends rather than examples of unique foresight. Where O’Fallon made a daring prediction, even straying into the realm of obscurity, these predictions did not pan out in a meaningful way.

A man who peddled Branch Covidian nonsense such as facemask effectiveness has no legitimate claim to special insight or what sort of Qanon level plan is going on behind the scenes and the record speaks for itself.

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