Mike Bickle’s sex scandal rocked the hypercharismatic world as the New Apostolic Reformation pastor was discredited by his organization, the International House of Prayer, following sexual misconduct allegations. IHOP quickly dismissed Mike Bickle and went into damage control mode as the allegations grew worse. Evidently, the International House of Prayer has not recovered from its reputational reproach and an announcement of shuddering its doors is imminent.
According to Charisma Magazine,
Bennett further reveals the drastic measures required to sustain IHOPKC at its current capacity, such as reducing the paid staff by 90%, leaving only 50 staff members where there once were 500.
“We are at an impasse,” says Bennett. “There’s no other way forward. So, the Lord is kindly inviting us into a new era.”
The closure will reportedly encompass all IHOPKC ministries, including their camps, IHOPU and church.
They also report that the leadership at IHOP plans to launch a new organization, moving on from the legacy of Mike Bickle completely.