Jory Micah is a renowned false teacher on the internet, a crazier version of Rachel Held Evans. She has been a staunch Palestinian advocate ever since her DUI arrest because her worldview insists that Jesus was brown. So she targeted Adam Sandler of all people to make this point.
I’m supposed to believe this man’s ancestors are from the Middle East?🤣
— Jory Micah #BeTheReLOVEution (@jorymicah) May 12, 2024
Jory Micah is attempting to argue that Modern Jews are not Middle Eastern because they are too White. What she fails or refuses to realize is that the phenotypical Levantine person in ancient times had a wide variance of traits, many even listed in Scripture such as Esau’s red hair. Thus it is highly difficult to know what Jesus actually looked like. Adam Sandler could easily pass as Middle Eastern, as he has played an Israeli commando in Don’t Mess With Zohan.
King Abdullah the second.
— kevin 🪁💛 (@kevinODTN) May 13, 2024
Do you think he's also not native to the middle east?
— Meme Gene (@ofreacharound) May 13, 2024
Give this man a tan, beard and a keffiyeh and he is Abdullah al-Sandlahar.
— ממש חמודה (@mamashchamuda) May 13, 2024
of all Jewish guys you couldve picked you chose one who straight up looks like a Levantine Arab how stupid can you be
— cheyenne🆗️ (@evilvillain1231) May 12, 2024
Jory Micah is an object lesson for how most of the support for the Palestinian cause is rooted in hatred for White people and European heritage.