Christian News By Christians, For Christians.

Doug Wilson And Al Mohler Unite For Christian Nationalism Doug Wilson and Al Mohler have not always had a publicly amiable relationship, albeit the distance was onesided. In 2022, Doug Wilson’s Canon Press would advertise having some Al Mohler content on their platform. Doug Wilson’s move was done at a time when Mohler’s contribution to the rise of Critical Race Theory in the […]

Josh Hawley Advocates Christian Nationalism

Senator Josh Hawley is one of the best in the US Senate, an exceedingly low bar, but compared to openly Southern Baptist colleagues like Ted Cruz, the proud supporter of homosexuality, and James Lankford, an open borders advocate. Hawley has thus emerged as one of few Senators with a credible profession of faith. Josh Hawley spoke […]

Pro-Life Industry Largely Supported Watering Down GOP Platform On Abortion

The Republican Party, helmed by Trump, is attempting to ramrod a functionally pro-abortion party platform. But rest assured, pro-life organizations will object to this change right? Well, not all. The Republican Party had a list of key organizers who defended the watered down party platform.   Meanwhile, feminist organizations like Students For Life have made […]