Amy Grant Doubles Down On Hosting Gay Wedding
Last month, we reported that Amy Grant was hosting a gay wedding at her ranch. This was evidently an early part in the news cycle that would be a lasting controversy for weeks. Amy Grant has since responded and doubled down on her insistence on supporting the sinful union of two women. Amy Grant has […]
Amy Grant And The Pitfall Of Being Liked By The World The story about Amy Grant and her plans to host a homosexual wedding are a grave warning to believers. Amy Grant achieved both fame and esteem in the world through contemporary Christian music (CCM). Yet she also became spiritually compromised during the process. This is an all too common phenomenon among Christian celebrities. It […]
Amy Grant Plans To Host a Gay Wedding
Amy Grant is the queen of contemporary Christian music and known for hits like “Baby Baby,” “Breath of Heaven,” and “Find A Way.” She is also known for being one of many CCM artists who is seriously compromised Spiritually. Her position on the issue of homosexuality and transgenderism has been well documented as not biblical, […]