Ruslan KD Headlines Pro-Gay, Apostate Conference Ruslan KD is a prominent Christian YouTuber with 564K, which is quite the feat, making him one of the largest Christian commentary YouTubers. Although at many times his theology leaves much to be desired, his upcoming speaking gig raises questions about his commitment to orthodoxy. Ruslan KD is slated to speak at Preston Sprinkle’s […]
Side B Theology Exposed: The Push For More Homosexual Pastors Side B Theology is one of the most pressing compromises in Evangelicalism today. It asserts that homosexual desires and identity are not sinful, in a partial affirmation of homosexuality and transgenderism. Logically, this could be carried over to pedophilia. A few weeks ago, Evangelical Dark Web reported on Preston Sprinkle hosting a conference on […]
Preston Sprinkle Wants Churches To Have More Homosexual Leaders In Webinar
Preston Sprinkle has been one of the premiere subject matter experts used by Big Eva, the shorthand for the Evangelical Industrial Complex, to undermine biblical sexuality and import a heresy known as Side B Theology into the church. Side B Theology teaches that homosexual desires and identity are not sinful. So while the sexual acts […]
Max Lucado, Joshua Harris, and Transvestite Headline Preston Sprinkle’s Conference Preston Sprinkle has made a career in Big Eva as a subject matter expert in the field of sexuality, despite being a heretic on the subject spreading Side B theology in Evangelical churches that will let their guard down for someone whose academic credentials include The Master’s Seminary. The Exiles In Babylon Conference is […]