Is The Millennial Revival Real? According to Barna Research Group, on of the top insights of 2022 was a shifting in church attendance. Taken alone, a chart depicting the millennial generation as having the highest church attendance rates while the boomer generation has the lowest would seem to indicate a major demographic shift in the church. But does Barna’s […]
Exposing Gloo Connect and Algorithm Christianity If Rick Warren were a tech company, what would it look like? It would look something like Gloo Connect, an innovative platform utilized in the church growth movement. According to the Christian Post, more than 30,000 churches are using Gloo Connect, and per their website, these churches would include David Platt’s McLean Bible Church, Larry Osbornes’ […]
Rick Warren Hates His Congregation Earlier this year, Evangelical Dark Web reported on the wokeness of Barna Research Group, being the first to report on this trajectory. Barna is a research firm that is supposed to provide insight on culture and the church. It is an industry leader in this niche and is used by churches small and large. Rick […]
More Wokeness: Is Barna calling for segregated churches?

White supremacists and woke whites have few dissimilarities. The key difference between the two ideologies is that White supremacists believe that whiteness is good, and woke Whites believe whiteness is evil. However, they come to the same conclusions when it comes to the morality of hiring based on race, judging people by the color of […]
Exclusive: Barna Exposed: Christian Research Firm Goes Woke

Barna Research is an industry leader in providing data on culture and the church that ministries and churches use to make inferences on the culture at large. Evangelical Dark Web has published numerous articles that analyzed findings from Barna research. But it was their findings on COVID lockdowns that begged a look deeper look into […]
Barna: Only 11% of churches are back to normal this Easter

Last year when lockdowns occurred, instead of reopening the country by Easter, President Trump decided to expand fifteen days to flatten the curve to 30 days to slow the spread. Last year this action had significant consequences for local churches. A recent Barna study details what churchgoers missed most about in-person services. However, certain data […]