Christian News By Christians, For Christians.

Demise of LifeWay: Changing times or because they peddled heresy?

It’s not the best of times to be a book store in 2019. Amazon crushed much of the competition. Still, Lifeway remained the retail branch of the Southern Baptist Convention until its announced closure of all of its stores back in March. The brand will continue to operate online. The SBC is embattled with confusion and […]

Getting rid of Apu will kill The Simpsons

For over 20 years, Apu on The Simpsons wasn’t a controversy and to a large degree still isn’t. However “comedian” Hari Kondabolu has made a very conscious effort to pressure The Simpsons into rewriting on of the most prominent minor characters to be politically correct. According to NME: The Simpsons producer Adi Shankar spoke to IndieWire about his attempts to crowdsource […]

#BoycottInNOut backfires bigly

Partisan boycotts are all the rage in our culture that cares little for meaningful conversation and constructive dialog. There comes a time when a company’s practices warrant a response via the denial of our hard earned money. But it appears, In-N-Out, a beloved southwestern burger chain committed the heinous offense of partisan donations. The original […]

Brock Lesnar fiasco hurts UFC brand

For those who don’t already know, the WWE isn’t real. It’s simulated wrestling. The UFC has built a reputation of being a real combat sport. While the devoted fanbases of WWE and UFC aren’t mutually exclusive, the reasons for watching either are entirely different. WWE is built of theatrics and a predictable unpredictability. The UFC […]

How the NFL can stop and possible reverse the bleeding

Rating declines are no secret. The NFL certainly tries to act like everything is alright, but they are truly lying to themselves if they think that the situation is acceptable.  They have a serious problem. As an entrepreneur, I came up with solutions to help. In case you didn’t realize this. The NFL has two […]