Judah Smith’s Churchome Sued For Requiring Employees To Tithe

Judah Smith and his wife Chelsea, run Churchome, a Hillsong-like church in Washington that attracted various celebrities. Churchome isn’t known for it’s strong doctrine. Last summer, Chelsea Smith went viral for supporting abortion. But evidently, there is one doctrine that Judah Smith vigorously adheres to and that’s Old Testament tithing. A class action lawsuit has […]
Churchome Pastor Chelsea Smith Is Pro-Abortion

https://youtu.be/Coe0_pcGbOU Chelsea Smith is co-lead pastrix at Churhhome, a west coast megachurch very similar to Hillsong, that boasts celebrity attendees, most notably Justin Bieber. While it is not surprising that a church very similar to Hillsong NYC would also have a flaccid response to abortion, Chelsea Smith is strikingly bad and even weaker than Carl […]