Christian News By Christians, For Christians.

Christian Post Champions Defeated Woke Right Narrative

The Dan Crenshaw coined term “woke right” became the prominent talking point of liberal atheist James Lindsay to attack those who do not support 2015 liberalism. But Lindsay’s obvious disdain for Christianity and rightwing politics exposed the term as untenable, as other liberals retreat from the term. However, this has not stopped subversive influencers in […]

Christian Nationalism Isn’t Dying. Stephen Wolfe Explains Why.

Woke Wars II is widely seen as infighting among Christian Nationalists; however, this perspective is wildly inaccurate. Opposing Christian Nationalism from the beginning was James White, who derided the adherents as “Sacralists.” White has emerged as a critical ally for Doug Wilson in Woke Wars II. However, what many might not realize is that Doug […]

James Lindsay’s Woke Right Attack Defeated

What began as a subversive operation to discredit the ideas of Christian Nationalism has ultimately backfired on James Lindsay. The use of the label “woke right” has been a liberal smear tactic for some time, with adversaries like James Lindsay, Konstantin Kisin, Joel Berry, and Neil Shenvi all championing the term against Christian Nationalists and […]

Stephen Wolfe Announces New Book With Canon Press

Stephen Wolfe is one of the thought leaders of Christian Nationalism with his acclaimed work The Case for Christian Nationalism. Stephen Wolfe has been talking about writing a new book for a while and has made an announcement as to what it is on Monday. short CCN how long? soon — Stephen Wolfe (@PerfInjust) […]

Donald Trump Announces Marco Rubio As Secretary Of State. Tom Ascol For Senate!

Donald Trump has made a number of announcements relating to his cabinet for his second term as President. One of the most contested positions was the Secretary of State role. It was cited by many in Conservative Inc. (Ben Shapiro) that Mike Pompeo would reprise his role. But in addition to denying Pompeo the opportunity, […]

Mark Driscoll, Christian Nationalism, and Babel The comeback of Mark Driscoll has been interesting to watch, and in addition to taking bold stances against modern Jezebels, Mark Driscoll has weighed in on Chrisitan Nationalism, as though he wasn’t controversial enough already. In the same sermon series that led to him defying the city of Scottsdale, Arizona on political signs, Mark […]

Livestream Announcement: Mark Driscoll and Nationalism Tonight, we return after a two week hiatus to discuss some recent Mark Driscoll videos as he weighs in on Christian Nationalism, specifically his belief that all Christians should be nationalists. The livestream will be at 9pm EDT. Support the Evangelical Dark Web By becoming a member of Evangelical Dark Web, you get access […]

James White, Stephen Wolfe, And The Unnecessary War The massive personalities in Evangelicalism who jockey for clout and market share have led to unnecessary divides over the years. G3 Ministries was the biggest example from 2023 where their personalities caused unwarranted strife paired with their unwillingness to discuss disagreements. But in the past few months, it’s Apologia that has become unduly divisive. […]

University of Colorado Law School Offering Course Exploring ‘Authoritarian Christianist Nationalism’ In ‘Age Of Trump’

The law school of the university best known for Coach Prime is offering a unique elective course that ties that showcases the institutional rot in America’s law schools. According to Daily Caller, who broke the story: The University of Colorado Boulder’s Law School class, titled “Statutory Interpretation,” is offered to second-year law students and will hinge on […]