Theologically Sound. Culturally Relevant.

Jordan Peterson: Pro-Islam, Anti-Christ Jordan Peterson has made a lucrative career selling self-help to men seeking an ordered life. Despite personal hypocrisy with regard to orderly living, Jordan Peterson has branched out into teaching on religion. It was his Bible series in which Dennis Prager of PragerU defended pornography as not a sin. Jordan Peterson has become a […]

Mikhaila Peterson and Jon McCray: Is Christianity A Philosophy Or Religion? In a postmodern era where worldview beliefs are acquired as items on a buffet, Christianity treated as an option out of many, becoming merged with societal customs or even other religions. Currently, there are new age practices integrated into mainstream churches, like Bethel and Hillsong, which then export their music to other churches to […]

Beth Moore claims that conservative Evangelicalism died in 2016 (because of Trump)

When Mark Galli penned his article for Trump’s removal, Beth Moore was among the Big Eva elites praising it. Since then a number of Evangelical Dark Web publications have published their responses. The latest response to garner attention comes from the Christian Post written by John Grano and Richard Land. The post itself can be read […]

Should Church be the mission field?

There is a growing prevalence of churches that want to draw people in to present the gospel. These churches, commonly referred to as “seeker friendly” churches have been one of the biggest trends in Christianity in the postmodern world. A comparison would be the analytics of Major League Baseball. Some people champion it; others loath […]

Catholic Twitter celebrates worship of Mary

It’s not every day that I take twitter polls seriously, but there was a large Catholic discussion I stumbled upon that was a wake up call to just how prominent the Marian Heresy, Mariolatry, remains within the Catholic church today. Stefanie Nicholas, a Catholic writer for OnePeterFive, polled her followers on the subject. The fact […]

The Evangelical Dark Web

The battle for the soul of the evangelical church in the United States spans across the remaining denominations that have not openly fallen into apostasy. The United Methodist Church was saved by the African delegations from rejecting biblical ministry standards. The Southern Baptist Convention struggles to reject critical race theory. Many denominations have split over […]

RIP Startup Christ. Something New Is Coming!

Over the past two years, I have been maintaining at Startup Christ. Startup Christ was initially founded for the Christian Entrepreneur. But in two years, while there has been growth, it was not sufficiently satisfying for me. Lately I have been reevaluating Startup Christ and its purpose. While entrepreneurship is a powerful tool to better […]

The Popularity Gospel of Kanye West’s Sunday Service

For months now, Kanye West has rebranded his reputation as a more spiritual musician after comments about being used by Candace Owens. He has launched a series of concerts he calls Sunday Service. But the concerts contain a plethora of gospel music and a number of collaborations. The Sunday Service has been kept under wraps […]

NOQReport Why every Christian should study apologetics

JD Rucker, a colleague of mine over at NOQReport, created this video explaining the importance of apologetics for the walk of every Christian. As Christians, this is our calling as shown in the verse provided below. The importance of apologetics is not to take away from the importance of advancing our understanding of scripture or […]