How not to troll the patriarchy
It’s a well-known fact on the internet that the Left can’t meme. The same certainly applies to feminists within the church. Owen Strachan is on fire ever since he left MBTS to take on a provost position at a “strip mall” seminary. It’s almost like working for a Southern Baptist entity was a restriction, but […]
The complementarian debate is still about doctrine
SBCVoices is a notorious theologically liberal Baptist blog, helmed by Dave Miller. In an article titled “Is Anyone Else Tired of Complementarian Food Fights?” he laments the debate over gender roles in the church as being about power and not doctrine. He prefaces his argument by stating he is as theologically conservative as one can […]
Beth Moore comes out of egalitarian closet
I’m a little late to commenting on this as there were other stories to talk about. However the unsurprising nature of Beth Moore coming out against her complicity in complementarianism was easily foreseen when she departed the Southern Baptist Convention. One month ago Evangelical Dark Web noted this about Moore’s career move: A move by […]
Conversations That Matter: Al Mohler and Social Justice
Jon Harris of Conversations That Matter released a very important video concerning Al Mohler, President of SBTS and frontrunner for the race to become President of the Southern Baptist Convention. There are moments when Al Mohler is very strong and then times that leave you wondering is he capitulating to the Social Justice Gospel’s infiltration […]
SBC2020 Pastors Conference invites woman pastor to speak to pastors
The lineup for the SBCPC 2020 was announced and a pattern or statement is being made that are in the same pattern of the rise in theological liberalism in the Southern Baptist Church. The entire lineup can be viewed here. The first eyebrow to be raised is Hosanna Wong. According to the bio on her […]
By What Standard documentary review
An in depth articulation of practicing biblical inerrancy. On December 12th, 2019, Dr. Tom Ascol of Founders Ministry released his anticipated documentary “By What Standard?” where he highlights some of the biggest battles within the Evangelical church, specifically the Southern Baptist Convention. Among these hot button issues are egalitarianism, Critical Race Theory, and Intersectionality, […]
DarkLinks 20: Controversial opinions on complementarianism, Calvinism, and porn
Let me put a disclaimer that we do not endorse every word or argument that we are promoting in this edition of DarkLinks. But we are endorsing the spirit of the arguments being made and fully believe all of these are conversations worth having. And in order to promote a better alternative than what we […]