Christian News By Christians, For Christians.

Rick Warren Promotes Female Pastors At Lausanne Congress America did not send its best to the Lausanne Congress. Among its attendees were Ed Stetzer, the gay-affirming dean of theology at Biola and media mogul, Trevin Wax of The Gospel Coalition, and Rick Warren, the liberal pastor of Saddleback Church which got disfellowshipped over overtly supporting female pastors. Rick Warren spoke at the […]

Liberals Thwart Effort To Ban Female Pastors At Southern Baptist Convention

The 2024 Annual Southern Baptist Convention had its seminal vote this morning where it voted on whether or not to ratify the Mike Law Amendment. The amendment would deem churches with female pastors not in friendly cooperation with the Southern Baptist Convention. The vote to ratify failed. Outside the Southern Baptist Convention were protesters supporting […]

Woman Preaches Dispensationalist Sermonette At Annual Southern Baptist Convention

The 2024 Annual Southern Baptist Convention is underway, and despite the heated debate over female pastors being had at the convention, Bart Barber let a woman preach at the convention in a flagrant disregard for Baptist polity and tradition. The preaching came in the guise of prayer, but what followed was a cultish sermonette that […]

Debunking Bridgetown Church’s Best Worst Arguments for Female Pastors

Introduction Bridgetown Church is a megachurch located in Portland, Oregon founded by John Mark Comer, who since resigned after being “burned out,” leaving the church under the leadership of Tyler Staton. Bridgetown Church reflects the culture of Portland and has taken a soft Side B theological approach on homosexuality, in which it derides orthodox believers […]

Steven Furtick’s Elevation Church Leaves The SBC The Annual Southern Baptist Convention saw Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church kicked out of the convention in spectacular fashion. The ripple effect of that vote has had massive consequences on the perception of the Southern Baptist Convention. Now, Steven Furtick’s Elevation Church has announced its departure from the SBC. Elevation Church was the largest church […]

Rick Warren Announces Support From California Baptists Ahead of SBC23 As the race for president of the Southern Baptist Convention is underway and underwhelming, the battle over disfellowshipping Rick Warren has heated up tremendously. In March, Evangelical Dark Web reported on Rick Warren’s intentions to appeal the disfellowshipping of Saddleback Church to the convention. Now Rick Warren has given Ed Stetzer’s website, Church Leaders the […]

Debunking Rick Warren and Andy Wood On Female Pastors Rick Warren got a lot of attention for his interview with Russell Moore of Christianity Today in which he defended ordaining female pastors. While insisting that he was not compromised by worldly ideology, he made connection early on between the MeToo agenda in the church and would ultimately argue that it would be racist […]

Rick Warren, Saddleback Church To Fight SBC Disfellowshipping Last month, the Southern Baptist Convention finally disfellowshipped Saddleback Church after a nearly two year struggle following his ordination of women in blatant violation of the Baptist Faith and Message 2000, a faith statement drafted to curb egalitarianism in the denomination. Saddleback Church is the most influential church in the Southern Baptist Convention with […]

Russell Moore Switched Teams, Sides with Rick Warren, Beth Moore on Female Pastors

One of the major stories throughout the first quarter of 2023 is the SBC’s debate on the biblical doctrine of an exclusively male pastorate. Because they finally disfellowshipped Rick Warren over his ordination of women as pastors, the banners have been called from all over Big Eva to rally to his defense, decrying the Executive […]

Andy Wood Dares SBC To Disfellowship Saddleback Over Female Pastors Rick Warren’s ego is so great, he needed two hireling pastors to replace him. This came in the form of a husband wife combo, Andy and Stacie Wood. At the last two Annual Southern Baptist Conventions, Saddleback Church became a battleground for its ordination of female pastors, which Rick Warren was given free reign […]