Hate Crime Charges Dropped Against Michael Cassidy

Michael Cassidy, a Navy Reserve veteran and former Republican congressional candidate, pleaded guilty to criminal mischief for beheading a Satanic statue in the Iowa State Capitol in December 2023. Initially charged with a felony hate crime, the charges were dropped in exchange for his guilty plea. Cassidy will face two years of probation, an $855 […]
Michael Cassidy Charged With Hate Crime Over Iowa Satanic Statue Defacement

The Satanic Temple display at the Iowa State Capitol has become a national controversy over whether such a display should be allowed, or unmolested, in a government building. The Iowa state legislature allows for displays to be done on a two-week basis. But the statue was naught to last the full two weeks as a […]
Trump Election Lawyer Jenna Ellis Defends Satanic Statues, Lectures Christians

The right for Satanic statues to exist in state capitol buildings has found some segments of Christian support. Jenna Ellis has embodied this and has condemned Michael Cassidy for decapitating the Satanic idol and Christians for supporting what he did. Jenna Ellis was on the Trump election legal team which lost every case, unlike the […]
Janet Mefferd, Michael O’Fallon Spread Baseless Claims Of Satanic Statue Defacement Being Media Coordinated

After the Republic Sentinal broke the details about how the satanic statue was decapitated in the Iowa state Capitol, prominent anti-Christian Nationalist media figures took to social media to condemn the act as media coordination of Ben Zeisloft, the reporter who broke the story. How was it that the man who destroyed the Satanic display […]
Christian Man Defaces Satanic Statue In Iowa State Capitol

The Satanic Temple display at the Iowa State Capitol has become a national controversy over whether such a display should be allowed, or unmolested, in a government building. The Iowa state legislature allows for displays to be done on a two-week basis. But the statue was naught to last the full two weeks as a […]
Iowa Satanic Temple Display Sparks Debate Over Religious Liberty

https://youtu.be/ZO_Eqd-9YYw The Satanic Temple display at the Iowa State Capitol has become a national controversy over whether such a display should be allowed, or unmolested, in a government building. The Iowa state legislature allows for displays to be done on a two-week basis. Governor Kim Reynolds called to fight bad speech with good speech while […]
Iowa Kingmaker Bob Vander Platts Endorses Ron DeSantis

Bob Vander Platts is perhaps the most influential Evangelical in politics in terms of benevolence and activism. His organization, The Family Leader has played a key role in the presidential election process and Christian activism. The Family Leadership Summit was the first major campaign event of the 2024 cycle. Last week, The Family Leader held […]
Donald Trump Skips Family Leadership Summit

https://youtu.be/Ui4FyoINnu4 The most influential Christian political conference in the Family Leadership Summit hosted in Iowa every year. The Family Leader is a an organization with the mission of advancing “Christ-like leadership in the home, the church, and the government.” As Iowa is the first in the nation caucus state, the Family Leader has leveraged Iowa’s […]
How Branch Covidianism Wrecked the Southern Baptist Convention

https://youtu.be/hKwT70bnaDs Last week the Southern Baptist Convention released its Annual Church Profile. The report showed a continued decline of the once conservative Baptist cooperation. However, the last two years have had a devastating impact on any metric that could be used to show that the SBC was fulfilling the Great Commission. Despite the availability of […]
Iowa pastors invoke Doctrine of Lesser Magistrates
Press Release By Iowa Pastors: Whereas, God is the sole Creator of the earth and man, being made directly in His image, is the apex of His creation; and Whereas, God is the ultimate and highest authority, and His laws are the highest laws; and Whereas, masks cover the image of God by obscuring personal […]