The Gospel Coalitions 3rd Party Third Wayism

The Gospel Coalition is one of the largest online ministries, founded by Tim Keller and Don Carson. Within Evangelicalism, The Gospel Coalition has been a force advancing theological liberalism to a traditionally orthodox audience. One such strategy of The Gospel Coalition and others in broader Big Eva is called “Third-Wayism.” In Third-Wayism a moral equivalency […]
The Gospel Coalition Uses Finland To Attack Christian Nationalism The Gospel Coalition is a well-known Christian bastion that has a reputation for attacking Christians under persecution from the government. They showed their hand in the case of James Coates as the defended the Canadian government’s actions. Now in the notorious case of the MP in Finland who’s on trial for “hate speech” over […]
TGC, Joe Carter Attack Tucker Carlson, Defend Ukraine’s Orthodox Persecution

Leave it to The Gospel Coalition all the answers so they might properly engage the culture, and Joe Carter is the man who can respond to all the frequently asked questions of the people. Often, we have dubbed him “Buzzfeed Joe Carter” for his FAQ-style articles. In his recent piece, “The FAQs: Americans Debate About […]
The Gospel Coalition Calls Ruth and Naomi a Civil Union Joe Carter is mostly known for writing Buzzfeed type FAQ articles, at The Gospel Coalition and other outlets, but it seems like the time he has stepped out of that role was to defend David French and advocate for civil unions by using Ruth and Naomi as an example of one. Little does Joe […]
The Gospel Coalition’s nonsensical National Debt argument

Joe Carter is a Big Eva double whammy. He’s part of The Gospel Coalition. And he’s also a pastor at McLean Bible Church, the home of David Platt. I’ve often called him Buzzfeed Joe Carter for his low quality explainers. And this explainer on the national debt is no different. The Gospel Coalition published an […]
What Big Eva won’t say about youth church membership decline (but I will)

Gallup recently released a poll that found that Millennials and Gen Z are less likely to be members of a church. This unsurprising news brought fourth some reaction out of Big Eva. The Gospel Coalition penned two articles on the subject of American church membership declining, a statistic driven by the young who are not […]
Mike Pence unfairly attacked for not being pro-life enough.
You can always count on Evangelical elites to obfuscate major issues, abortion being among them. During Wednesday night’s Vice Presidential Debate, Mike Pence utterly dominated Kamala Harris Now I do not know if Vice President Mike Pence agrees with this position, but he was not asked on his position on abortion. Instead, the Vice President […]
Should Christians still be pro-life?

I am not suggesting that Christians should be pro abortion. In contrast, all Christians should be and perhaps are obliged to be pro life. What I am asking is weather the term pro life has been successfully hijacked and thus devoid of any real meaning or ability to advance the cause. I believe and from […]