Christian News By Christians, For Christians.

Julie Roys Abuse Hypocrisy Exposed The feminist Evangelical blogger, Julie Roys has undergone a lot of scrutiny lately when her 2017 book was read by conservatives following her most recent barrage of hit pieces on John MacArthur. Right now her website has three of these hit pieces pinned to the top. Evidently MacArthur supporters like Dear Woke Christian read […]

Why Julie Roys Hates John MacArthur The latest smear campaign of Julie Roys to impugn John MacArthur for supporting an alleged sex abuser was largely exposed thanks to diligent researchers at Protestia. However, it’s worth noting that Julie Roys has a long history of going after John MacArthur for his success and for his obedience to Scripture. There are believers […]

DarkLinks 48: Julie Roys slanders John MacArthur

Julie Roys having beef with John MacArthur is nothing new. The raging feminist has made him her white whale ever since John MacArthur told Beth Moore to go home. After slandering John MacArthur for his wealth via shoddy reporting, Julie Roys also heavily promoted the Great Reset narrative on COVID, attacking John MacArthur for reopening […]

Evangelical Feminists defend Julianna Zobrist

Five years ago, Ben and Julianna Zobrist were a Christian celerity couple doing speaking arrangements at Liberty University. He was a star baseball player and World Series MVP. She was an aspiring Christian pop singer who dropped an album, though she only has 1500 subs on YouTube. But like secular celebrity marriages, they did not […]

Should we rely on others to defend our own reputations?

There’s a certain science to public relations. If you defend your reputation against every attack, you invite more scrutiny and attackers. If you respond to no attacks on your reputation, the public will assume guilt. There’s a certain balance to this, as it demands one chooses their battles wisely. Punching back at anonymous internet trolls […]

Is John MacArthur’s wealth a real scandal?

It was widely known that John MacArthur was a rich man. Pastoring Grace Community Church and being one of the most influential pastors in the United States undoubtedly comes with wealth from books, broadcasting, speaking gigs, and more. John MacArthur has a diverse portfolio of income streams tied to his brand as a pastor. All […]