Christian News By Christians, For Christians.

Yes John MacArthur Is Still A Pietist Three years ago, John MacArthur shocked many when he announced the reopening of his church in defiance of his prior longstanding position on Romans 13. It was an embrace of sphere sovereignty and the Doctrine of Lesser Magistrates and a shift away from pietism, especially as Grace Community Church took to court and won. […]

3 Years Of 2 Weeks To Slow The Spread

Three years ago, all of our lives were changed. Americans were told by then President Trump that we needed to make sacrifices. And so America did. At least that’s how they want us to remember it. Instead what happened was Donald Trump was played the Jar Jar Binks and handed over his presidency to Anthony […]

Canadian Pastor Tim Stephens Acquitted For Lockdown Charges

A Canadian pastor who spent 21 days in jail for violating Canada’s totalitarian lockdown mandates including social distancing and public worship. The Canadian government relented on most of the charges and the remaining charges were acquitted. I was found not guilty today on two health charges that were tried last month. In total, 5 health […]

Lifeway’s Biden Economy Impact Data Not Determinative

Many churches rely on data from either Barna or Lifeway, which is a Southern Baptist entity. However, when the economy is as bad as it currently is, one would think a clear reflection exists in the data. Baptist Press, who was presumably first to this story because of the SBC ties, ran the headline about […]

Sean Feucht: Church Hero or Villain Introduction Evangelical Dark Web has been one of the foremost discernment ministries calling out what we have called Branch Covidianism in the church. Along these lines, it is unmistakable that Sean Feucht has been a man of action. However, not everyone we agree with is someone we can trust. Independently, the writers of Evangelical […]

Branch Covidians Win In New Zealand’s Highest Court

In many places around the globe such as the United States, Scotland, Switzerland, and Chile, restrictions on worship were found to be a violation of the law in the courts. In New Zealand, a nation that pursued a “zero Covid” policy, the highest court ruled that lockdown affecting religious gatherings were a necessary violation of […]

Writing The Frankfurt Declaration: An Interview With Steven Lloyd Earlier this month a group of pastors drafted the Frankfurt Declaration as a repudiation of Branch Covidianism and attempts by the government to dislodge Christ as head of the church. Many pastors from around the globe were part of the initial signing, but three men were tasked with writing the document. Yesterday, I sat […]

Two Years To Slow The Spread, Too Few Lessons Learned It’s been two years since America lost it’s collective mind, pretending it knew nothing of the virus they created in China. Most children growing up in the United States lost two years of their childhood to theatricality and deception. Many businesses never recovered from the tyrannical measures gleefully taken from government officials. From governors […]

Andrew Cuomo Preaches Against Cancel Culture At Church A Branch Covidian Synagogue of Satan, invited Andrew Cuomo to speak during their worship service, and his speech lacked all the self awareness one might expect from a disgraced former governor. God’s Battalion of Prayer Church is a church in New York City that calls Andrew Cuomo a friend. On March 6th, Cuomo spoke […]

Big Eva Hypocrisy: Ukraine vs Lockdowns Just as Volodymyr Zelensky is a puppet for the Great Reset, so is Big Eva. In the last two weeks we have seen Big Eva publish content about perseverance that completely contradicts their tone for the last two years. During the lockdowns of 2020, Big Eva preached compliance. They peddled the narrative that church […]