Lauren Chen vs Andrew Wilson On Getting Marriage Wrong The Manosphere has been a persistent force among disillusioned men, pointing out how feminism has led to the degradation of society and the ability for people to find marriageable mates. However, the prescribed solutions for the Manosphere have often come at odds with biblical teaching. Whereas the Manosphere advocates that men adapt to feminism, […]
Matt Walsh vs Pearl Davis On Marriage The Manosphere has long been critical of marriage and multiple players in the game have advocated sowing wild oats like Andrew Tate and Rollo Tomassi. Pearl Davis is perhaps more nuanced catering to a class of people blackpilled on marriage and women and people pursuing traditional lifestyle. Last week, a lot of beef happened […]
Discussing Dating With Bible Bashed Podcast The Bible Bashed Podcast has made a lot of waves on Twitter asking questions that are not allowed to be asked, and I invited them on to Evangelical Dark Web to answer for their provocations. And so we discuss dating in the midst of online controversies surrounding the topic. We discuss height and income […]
The Hypocrisy of Lauren Boebert’s Divorce
Last week, there was Steven Crowder’s divorce. This week, it was announced that Representative Lauren Boebert of Colorado has filed for divorce from her husband Jayson. The Colorado Sun broke the story, even adding that her husband sicced his dog on the process server, which was denied by Boebert. Rep Boebert made the following statement: […]
Rachael Denhollander Attacks John MacArthur Over Patriarchal View Of Marriage It’s hard to imagine that The Gospel Coalition wrote an article that generated so much feminist backlash that they canceled its writer Josh Butler. But the angry feminist mob is not sufficiently satisfied with Josh Butler. They have their sights set on John MacArthur. With ShepCon underway, some have renewed their sights on him […]
SBC Senator, Roy Blunt, Should Be Excommunicated
Include in the twelve republican senators who voted for the “Respect for Marriage Act” was outgoing Senator Roy Blunt of Missouri. While it was expected that the RINO’s like Mitt Romney, Susan Collins, and Lisa Murkowski would vote to affirm sodomitical relationships and state sponsored persecution of Christians, Roy Blunt, of Missouri was an outlier […]
Heretic Jory Micah announces divorce. Blames ‘purity culture’
Twitter is often a playground for feminist types like Karen Swallow Prior, Beth Moore, and Jory Micah to rail against orthodoxy in an environment with a population more disparately leftist than most places an American lives. Jory Micah is a popular heretic to have emerged and thrived in this environment. Evangelical Dark Web wrote about […]
Church of England affirms biblical marriage while compromising ministry standards
To the Evangelical, it comes as a surprise to hear that the Church of England came out mostly in support of the Biblical view of sexuality. This included but was not limited to stating that sex was reserved between one an and one woman in a marriage. This drew the ire of the Twittersphere who […]