Christian News By Christians, For Christians.

Johnny Hunt Claims Luxurious Salary From Southern Baptist Convention

Johnny Hunt has launched a costly lawsuit against the Southern Baptist Convention et al. that has contributed to a major liquidity crisis for the SBC, ahead of its upcoming trial. Last week, the Southern Baptist Convention announced intentions to sell its headquarters in Nashville. Without real evidence, the Southern Baptist Convention accused Johnny Hunt of […]

NAMB 2023 Financials: Not Too Big to Fail

Each year, the North American Mission Board releases its annual Ministry Report, which elucidates more transparency than other SBC entities into their activities though not without reasons for scrutiny. The story of NAMB’s FY2022 ministry report was that they reported $60 million less in assets, mostly driven by stock market declines. FY2023 would be a […]

SBC24: North American Mission Board Drives Up Controversy Over Race Car Display

With the Annual Southern Baptist Convention underway the North American Mission Board played into the automotive theme of this year’s convention in Indianapolis by having a model race car at their display in the convention hall. Stop by today and visit us at the @NAMB_SBC exhibit! #SBC24 — Kevin Ezell (@kevezell) June 10, 2024 […]

Report: NAMB Opposes Amendment To Ban Female Pastors From SBC

Ahead of the Southern Baptist Convention, the North American Mission Board’s Send Network has hosted a panel that largely attacked the Mike Law Amendment which would label churches with female pastors “not in friendly cooperation” with the Southern Baptist Convention. However, many SBC elites embrace the idea of tolerating female pastors. Reports have emerged of […]

Southern Baptist Launch Petition Over NAMB Lying In Court

The Southern Baptist Convention is embattled in several lawsuits. One of which involves Will McRaney who is suing the North American Mission Board over their interference in the Maryland Deleware Baptist Association to get him removed. The lawsuit has been going on for many years as McRainey was in a battle to be granted standing […]

David Platt and McLean Bible Church Lose Million Dollar Lawsuit Since 2021, lawsuits have been plaguing McLean Bible Church. Salvador Cordova is a plaintiff in one of the lawsuits and he joined Evangelical Dark Web to talk about their recent victory in court against David Platt’s McLean Bible Church. There are two lawsuits against MBC. The first one involved an election of a slate […]

Wokeness Launches Counteroffensive In SBC Recent events at in the Southern Baptist Convention have sent a clear signal that wokeness is not done marching through its institutions and after what seemed like a pause, Critical Race Theory has a renewed offensive in the largest Evangelical denomination in America. In 2021, the Southern Baptist Convention would fail to condemn Critical […]

NAMB 2022 Ministry Report: $63 Million Stock Market Losses and SEND Relief Expansion

Last month, the North American Mission Board finally released their 2023 Ministry Report in which they give an account for their operations for their Fiscal Year 2022, which ended on September 30, 2022. Previously, the NAMB 2022 Ministry Report detailed just how much of a financial institution NAMB was operating as with over $200 million […]

SBC23: A Mitigated Disaster

The annual Southern Baptist Convention was the 3rd convention in which conservative Baptist were mobilized against the liberal drift in the denomination. In this convention, the conservatives would see both continued setbacks and substantial gains, previously unseen in the previous conventions. In 2021, the conservatives lost the presidential race winning only a minor office of […]

David Platt Downgrade, MBC Lawsuit, and More

Powered by RedCircle In this livestream/podcast team Evangelical Dark Web breaks down the relationship between David Platt’s McLean Bible Church and the North American Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. The conspiracy within has been the subject of a lawsuit against the church. This video will be going through the report Evangelical Dark Web […]