Christian News By Christians, For Christians.

Major W: PCA Investigates Harmful Affects Of Sarah Young’s Jesus Calling

Sarah Young is perhaps the bestselling author in the history of the Presbyterian Church in America. However, in a series of major wins for Presbyterians, the PCA voted to conduct an investigation into her teachings, specifically found in her most famous work, Jesus Calling. The vote to investigate passed 947 in favor to 834 opposed. […]

PCA General Assembly Bans Women, Unordained Men From Being Given Pastoral Titles

Both the Annual Southern Baptist Convention and the Presbyterian Church in America General Assembly occurred this week, but the two had entirely different outcomes when it came to the matter of female pastors, a pressing issue in both denominations. Whereas the Southern Baptist Convention failed to ban female pastors, the Presbyterian Church in America took […]

David French Whines About Being Canceled In NY Times Article

Last month, David French was canceled from speaking at this week’s Presbyterian Church in America General Assembly. It was a major victory in dealing a blow to David French’s influence and possibly other liberals in Big Eva like Curtis Chang and Russell Moore. David French has now broken his silence about the incident, complaining about […]

PCA Cancels Panel With David French At Upcoming General Assembly Last week, the Presbyterian Church in America announced it was inviting David French to be on a panel titled, “Supporting Your Pastor and Church Leaders in a Polarized Political Year.” The backlash to this announcement was intense as David French has come out in support of gay marriage, transgenderism, and Branch Covidianism in the […]

David French vs Robert Dabney: A PCA Test The aftermath of the Presbyterian Church in America deciding to platform David French despite his support for homosexual marriage, support for transgenderism as a blessing of liberty, and a general hostility to Christianity has sent shockwaves in the Presbyterian world. PCA leadership is currently dodging and ducking the blame for this decision. The decision […]

PCA Platforming David French At General Assembly

David French is one of the biggest sellouts in the Evangelical political space. He has accumulated worldly acclaim to the tune of working for the New York Times as a reward for promoting Branch Covidianism, transgenderism, homosexuality, and a host of other liberal causes. David French has even partnered with groups that have taken some […]

Presbyterians Confront Unordained Female Deacons At PCAGA While the Annual Southern Baptist Convention was going on, the Presbyterian Church in America General Assembly was happening as well. As we are covering as many denomination meetings as we can since many happened over the last two weeks with varying degrees of interest and coverage. We have provided perhaps the only coverage of […]

SBC vs PCA: Two Opposite Trajectories Last month, both the Annual Southern Baptist Convention and the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America took place. And the results of the two events are opposing. The Southern Baptist Convention represents a clear negative trajectory, while the Presbyterian Church in America has a much loftier trajectory. At the Annual Southern Baptist […]

PCA Votes To Ban Homosexual Elders (Again) Last year the Presbyterian Church in America voted to ban identifying homosexuals from ministry with Overture 23. Yet in 2022, the PCA would again take up the same issue. As the Revoice Movement proliferating side b theology divides the PCA, the recent development may suggest that Christians have lost ground since last year. In […]

PCA Votes To Exit National Association of Evangelicals The Presbyterian Church in America had a significant conservative victory in its withdrawal from the National Association of Evangelicals. The final vote of 1059-681 achieved what has failed twice in the last ten years. Interestingly enough, the PCA contributes not only funds to the NAE but its current president, Walter Kim is a member […]