Christian News By Christians, For Christians.

Is Tony Evans A False Teacher?

Category 4 Verdict: Tony Evans teaches a heresy we call Dispy-Pelagianism. Preface Part of how this Discernment ministry operates is taking in reader questions about prevalent teachers. Tony Evans held the lead for the most active requests at the start of this research. You can make a request here and see our answered verdicts here. Priscilla Shirer The daughter of […]

Discernment Updates: Mike Todd and Priscilla Shirer Verdicts Updated

Evangelical Dark Web is not only a news and commentary website, we also do research on potential false teachers, often at reader request. We wanted to do this with some sort of standard for what constitutes a false teacher. The goal was to due research on teachers that were not low hanging fruit or inspired […]

Priscilla Shirer Prosperity Gospel: Most Watched Sermon of 2021 Church Leaders, the liberal church growth rag of Ed Stetzer published the most popular sermons of 2021, which primarily featured TD Jakes taking up 8 of the top 10 spots with Priscilla Shirer and David Jeremiah being the exceptions. Shirer would claim the top spot with over 5 million views from a sermon she […]

Is Priscilla Shirer false teacher?

Category 4 Verdict: We believe that Priscilla Shirer represents a wolf in sheep’s clothing   Preface At the request of one of our readers, we have been asked to investigate whether Priscilla Shirer is a false teacher. You can make a request here, and we will honor it. It is a source of joy to be […]