Christian News By Christians, For Christians.

Rick Warren Promotes Female Pastors At Lausanne Congress America did not send its best to the Lausanne Congress. Among its attendees were Ed Stetzer, the gay-affirming dean of theology at Biola and media mogul, Trevin Wax of The Gospel Coalition, and Rick Warren, the liberal pastor of Saddleback Church which got disfellowshipped over overtly supporting female pastors. Rick Warren spoke at the […]

How Dennis Prager Is The Rick Warren Of Jews Ever since his sit down with Jordan Peterson to discuss the Mosaic Law, Dennis Prager, founder of PragerU, has only managed to dig deeper and double down on his view that lust is not sinful. In a more recent interview with Charlie Kirk, Prager defended his stance on pornography along with other clips which […]

Is Rick Warren A False Teacher?

Category 5 Verdict: Rick Warren Is One of The Most Dangerously Influential Teachers in Modern Times   Preface Part of how this Discernment ministry operates is taking in reader questions about prevalent teachers. Rick Warren was tied for the lead for the most active requests at the start of this research and was selected. You can make […]

Rick Warren Loses Appeal At Annual Southern Baptist Convention Yesterday at the 2023 Annual Southern Baptist Convention, messengers took a vote on whether to sustain or overrule the decision to disfellowship Saddleback Church over its ordination of women. The results were not published that session. Instead messengers would learn the results the following day. The results were as follows: 9437 (88.46%) messengers voted […]

Southern Baptist To Vote On Constitutional Ban On Women Pastors

Although it is commonly thought that the Southern Baptist Convention settled the issue of female pastors in 2000, several SBC churches have female pastors. Occasionally, this gets reviewed for disfellowshipping as in the case of Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church. The Baptist Faith and Message 2000 states, “the office of pastor is limited to men as […]

Final Predictions For 2023 Annual Southern Baptist Convention

It’s time we make our final, bold predictions ahead of the 2023 Annual Southern Baptist Convention. Last year we went 3 for 6 in our predictions, but none of our predictions were layups. This year we’re giving our hot take predictions which will play a key role in our upcoming livestreams on the Southern Baptist […]

Rick Warren Announces Support From California Baptists Ahead of SBC23 As the race for president of the Southern Baptist Convention is underway and underwhelming, the battle over disfellowshipping Rick Warren has heated up tremendously. In March, Evangelical Dark Web reported on Rick Warren’s intentions to appeal the disfellowshipping of Saddleback Church to the convention. Now Rick Warren has given Ed Stetzer’s website, Church Leaders the […]

Saddleback Church Covers Up Its Support For Homosexuality In February, Evangelical Dark Web, among other discernment ministries, exposed that Saddleback Church had grooming groups to teach parents to be supportive of their homosexual or transvestite children in their sin. Saddleback Church was the longtime church of Rick Warren and is now helmed by Andy Wood. Evangelical Dark Web first exposed how Andy […]