Neil Shenvi’s Woke Conception Of Race

Neil Shenvi is Big Eva’s chosen apologist to tackle Critical Race Theory in the church. It’s a convenient arrangement as he is able to provide a general critique of wokeness while protecting woke Evangelical leaders from the accusation of being woke, most notably JD Greear, the president of the Southern Baptist Convention during the Black […]
Beth Moore Goes Full Robin DiAngelo, Calling White Men Racist

A recently surface video from the “Racism In The White Church” conference shows Beth Moore going full Robin DiAngelo trying to convince white people how racist they are. Woke Preacher Clips unveiled a video in which Beth Moore describes a white friend of hers who wants to be an ally, who swears he’s not a […]
White Fragility Top 3 Criticisms

It’s past time I wrap up my series on rebutting White Fragility. This video summarizes my top three criticisms of the book. Fallacy of Nonfalsifiablity In layman terms, this is a head I win tails you lose structure of argument. She argues that white fragility is a real phenomenon and your disagreement is further proof […]
Robin DiAngelo Goes Full Marxist! Never Go Full Marxist. | White Fragility Rebuttal Chapter 12

In this installment of White Fragility Rebuttal, we finish off the last chapter where Robin DiAngelo summarizes her points and focuses on solutions. In this chapter Robin DiAngelo addresses her stated solution of interrupting racism all while hinting at a Marxist revolution she’s unwilling to mention. It’s worht mentioning that interrupting racism is a pointless […]
White Women tears are racist? | White Fragility Rebuttal Chapter 11

Yesterday I wrote about the increasing tide of emotionalism surrounding Leftists in the political arena, and what better way to follow that up with than another installment of White Fragility Rebuttal, where I go through Robin DiAngelo’s crowning achievement. Chapter 11 is pack full of the emotionalism as we near the end of her work. […]
The Pagans lost their intellectual heavyweight. Now what?

Ruth Bader Ginsburg was a tyrant and wrong on every significant issue. But make no mistake, she was highly intelligent and certainly a worthy rival for the soul of a nation. But what will become in the wake of her demise. In truth, the pagans loved the Notorious RBG, but how many could articulate her […]
What is racial stamina? And do you have any?

One of the first terms Robin DiAngelo drops is racial stamina, but there is almost the expectation that you should know what these terms mean. As a non-woke person, these are new terms for me. And Robin DiAngelo uses these terms in passing without providing context clues to know what they mean. “Racial” functioning as […]
Why Robin DiAngelo is a fraud

Robin DiAngelo is a fraud. It needs to be said and Chapter 9 exposes her the lack of conviction she has with her own belief system, at least when it comes to personal sacrifice. She asks other people to make sacrifices that she herself is unwilling to make. But I suppose when you are a […]
White Fragility Rebuttal Chapter 8

In the last installment, we learned just what turned Robin DiAngelo woke. In this installment we are going through her rehashing of points she has already laid out, like how you see everything through the lens of race and despite never convering with your fellow white brethren about keeping the black man down, you consistently […]
How Robin DiAngelo Became Woke (Conversion Story) | White Fragility Rebuttal Chapter 7

What makes a woman turn woke? Apparently in the case of Robin DiAngelo, the answer is quite simple and uninspiring. And that is the major topic of this video installment of White Fragility Rebuttal. So with that brief summary, without a spoiler alert, I want to lob the question at you. How did the woke […]