Jared Moore Reacts To Preston Sprinkle Debate

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5XyjNqsxes Side B theology is one of the most pervasive issues facing the church right now, even more so than Critical Race Theory. Side B theology asserts that homosexual identity and attraction are compatible with Christianity. A few weeks ago, Rosaria Butterfield blasted Preston Sprinkle, Revoice, and Cru, during a convocation at Liberty University. The […]
Rosaria Butterfield Calls Out Side B Theology At Liberty University

https://youtu.be/m3kWIFvV3_I Rosaria Butterfield recently gave a convocation at Liberty University where she took aim at Side B Theology that is rampantly infiltrating the church. The lecture that she gave focused heavily on her personal testimony of how God rescued her from homosexuality. But as she pivots to talking about her book, she takes aim at […]
Rosaria Butterfield Repents For Using Preferred Pronouns, Calls Out Mark Yarhouse, Preston Sprinkle

Several months ago, Rosaria Butterfield shocked the world of Big Eva when she repented for opposing Change Therapy and for otherwise being compromised on the issue of homosexuality. It was refreshing to see someone in Big Eva become take a bold stance after having a previously compromised position. She has since called out Racheal Denhollander […]
Rosaria Butterfield Blasts SBC For Redefining Abuse

After publicly retracting and repenting of her denouncing of reparative therapy, Rosaria Butterfield appeared on the Conversations That Matter podcast with Jon Harris to discuss her newfound perspective. Though enlightening the conversation was, what was surprising was that Rosaria Butterfield took aim at the Southern Baptist Convention. In discussing the root cause of homosexuality she […]
Rosaria Butterfield Repents Of Calling Reparative Therapy Prosperity Gospel

Rosaria Butterfield has been a questionable figure with regards to teaching on sexuality in the past. However, she has recently and rather aggressively taken on Side B theology including publicly repenting of calling Reparative Therapy heresy. Reparative Therapy was recently banned in Canada, as Canadian government takes additional steps to crack down on free speech […]
DarkLinks 36: Butterfield’s lack of credibility on intersectionality, Greear’s ‘dialog’

This Edition of DarkLinks serves to buy me time while I work on a video that will drop along with a verdict. However, there was a convenient overflow of articles I wanted to share and comment. We start off with a longer piece about Rosaria Butterfield playing both sides of the CRT/I issue. This article […]
DarkLinks 25: Tinslee Lewis, Todd Bentley, and Rosaria Butterfield

This edition of DarkLinks is very diverse in its subject matter. Last week, I published lessons learned from the WakeUpOlive fiasco about Bethel’s failed resurrection. So I begin this DarkLinks with a contrast with my colleague praying for healing in a godly way for Tinslee Lewis. This recognizes both God’s sovereignty and love. Next we […]