Christian News By Christians, For Christians.

Is Rick Warren A False Teacher?

Category 5 Verdict: Rick Warren Is One of The Most Dangerously Influential Teachers in Modern Times   Preface Part of how this Discernment ministry operates is taking in reader questions about prevalent teachers. Rick Warren was tied for the lead for the most active requests at the start of this research and was selected. You can make […]

At The Movies Church Services Are Grossly Unbiblical.

The past couple of weeks have seen a large amount of attention for Megachurch Culture’s attempts to exegete movies rather than Scripture in thematic grandiose displays. Earlier this week, we reported that Seacoast Church has done four podcast during church services about these movies: King Richard, Sing 2, Jesus Revolution, and Top Gun: Maverick. Any sensible grown man […]

Steven Furtick’s Elevation Church Leaves The SBC The Annual Southern Baptist Convention saw Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church kicked out of the convention in spectacular fashion. The ripple effect of that vote has had massive consequences on the perception of the Southern Baptist Convention. Now, Steven Furtick’s Elevation Church has announced its departure from the SBC. Elevation Church was the largest church […]

Rick Warren Announces Support From California Baptists Ahead of SBC23 As the race for president of the Southern Baptist Convention is underway and underwhelming, the battle over disfellowshipping Rick Warren has heated up tremendously. In March, Evangelical Dark Web reported on Rick Warren’s intentions to appeal the disfellowshipping of Saddleback Church to the convention. Now Rick Warren has given Ed Stetzer’s website, Church Leaders the […]

Saddleback Church Covers Up Its Support For Homosexuality In February, Evangelical Dark Web, among other discernment ministries, exposed that Saddleback Church had grooming groups to teach parents to be supportive of their homosexual or transvestite children in their sin. Saddleback Church was the longtime church of Rick Warren and is now helmed by Andy Wood. Evangelical Dark Web first exposed how Andy […]

Debunking Rick Warren and Andy Wood On Female Pastors Rick Warren got a lot of attention for his interview with Russell Moore of Christianity Today in which he defended ordaining female pastors. While insisting that he was not compromised by worldly ideology, he made connection early on between the MeToo agenda in the church and would ultimately argue that it would be racist […]

SBC Disfellowships Saddleback Church; Warren Equates Himself to Christ The Southern Baptist Convention might be overtaken by the feminism, but there is still cognizance to the question of “What is a pastor?” Though there are plenty of homosexuality affirming churches, like FBC Orlando and The Church by the Glades, the one red line in the sand is female pastors, which remains the unifying […]

Will The Southern Baptist Convention Disfellowship Saddleback Church Over Homosexuality? Last year, the Southern Baptist Convention refused to disfellowship Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church over their ordination of women. But the offenses of Saddleback continue under the new leadership of Andy Wood. Andy Wood has been brazen in his relationship with the Southern Baptist Convention so far, daring them to disfellowship them over their egalitarianism. […]

Saddleback Church Affirms Homosexuality With Andy Stanley

Last year, Evangelical Dark Web exposed how Rick Warren’s replacement, Andy Wood was compromised on the issue of homosexuality, but apparently the most controversial church in the Southern Baptist Convention is also outside of the SBC’s views on homosexuality in a similarly brazen way. Andy Stanley has been under a microscope for his views on […]

Andy Wood Dares SBC To Disfellowship Saddleback Over Female Pastors Rick Warren’s ego is so great, he needed two hireling pastors to replace him. This came in the form of a husband wife combo, Andy and Stacie Wood. At the last two Annual Southern Baptist Conventions, Saddleback Church became a battleground for its ordination of female pastors, which Rick Warren was given free reign […]