Christian News By Christians, For Christians.

TD Jakes: Adam Was Eve’s Mom

TD Jakes is one of the most watched pastors in America by sheer numbers. Recently a sermon of his went viral on social media, Jakes claimed that Adam was Eve’s mama in a bizarre commentary on Genesis 3. TD Jakes would also claim that Christ broke the Sabbath during the Fall of Man. The sermon, […]

TD Jakes Files Defamation Suit Over Homosexual Abuse Claims

TD Jakes has had an eventful year as have many major pastors in the Dallas Fort Worth area. 2023 ended with TD Jakes giving a nonchalant response to allegations of homosexuality that involved Sean “Diddy” Combs. With this cloud of allegations surrounding his ministry due to his well-documented ties with Diddy and coming out of […]

TD Jakes Associate, P Diddy, Flees Country As Feds Raid Homes In Sex Trafficking Probe

On Monday, famous rapper Sean Combs who is also known as P Diddy, Puff Daddy, Diddy, and Sean “Diddy” Combs, fled the country as his housed were being raided by the federal government in a sex trafficking investigation. DEVELOPING: Feds raid Diddy's LA mansion in connection with sex trafficking probe; some being detained by heavily […]

Is TD Jakes A False Teacher?

Category 5 Verdict: TD Jakes is clearly a false teacher Bio Thomas Dexter Jakes Sr., commonly known as T.D. Jakes, was born on June 9, 1957, in South Charleston, West Virginia, USA. He is an American bishop, author, and filmmaker, best known for his ministry work and his non-denominational megachurch, The Potter’s House, based in […]

TD Jakes: ‘All I Got To Do Is Repent’ If Gay Sex Rumors Are True

Christmas has not been a jolly season for TD Jakes this year, as pervasive allegations that he had homosexual sex with a minor at Diddy’s house went extremely viral on TikTok and other social media with millions of people seeing them. TD JAKES DID WHAT ?!?!?!? — MYEi$HiA🦋 (@yungforeverrr) December 21, 2023 The allegation […]

T.D. Jakes Roles Out Red Carpet For Beto O’Rourke

In an effort to shamelessly court the black voting bloc, Beto O’Rourke graced The Potter’s House with his presence, and Pastor TD Jakes did a photo op with the Democrat gubernatorial candidate. The photo taken gives the impression of an endorsement, although no official statement has been made to that. It was an honor to […]

TD Jakes, Dharius Daniels Headline Prosperity Mega Conference Last month, Evangelical Dark Web reported on how TD Jakes was passing the torch to his daughter, who is a formidable brand of her own. Now TD Jakes is an announced headliner at the Pathway To Prosperity Mega Conference. TD Jakes is arguable the most watched pastor in the United States, and perhaps the […]

TD Jakes Passes the Torch to Sarah Jakes Roberts TD Jakes is perhaps the most watched pastor in the world, certainly the United States. In addition to being a megachurch pastor, in 2021 8 of the top 10 most watched sermons on YouTube were TD Jakes. On Sunday, TD Jakes “passed the torch” to his daughter, Sarah Jakes Roberts in an anointing ceremony, […]

Ghost Megachurches: The Potter’s House Denver TourĂ© and Sarah Jakes Roberts are the latest example of the growing prevalence of Ghost Megachurches in the United States. In November, Evangelical Dark Web exposed how FBC Orlando, the home of SBC elite David Uth, is a shadow of its pre-lockdown self. This was not because of their liberal or worldly leanings but […]

Exclusive: These Pastors and Churches Took Millions in PPP Loans

Joel Osteen landed in hot water when the Houston Chronicle broke the story that Lakewood Church had indeed accepted Payroll Payment Protection loans under the Small Business Administration’s allocation for non-profit organizations to benefit from this lockdown relief program, which he previously denied. But Joel Osteen was far from the only pastor and Lakewood Church […]