Christian News By Christians, For Christians.

Woke Preacher Clip: The Methodist Aren’t Woke Enough

The United Methodist Church has been a liberal denomination since its inception. However, they are not woke enough according to a struggle session at their general conference where they were chastised for being too White. This of course was after many Black congregations in Africa left over the UMC’s embrace of homosexuality. But with all […]

Christianity Today Appears To Celebrate United Methodist Church Apostacy

Compromise Today

The United Methodist Church came out of the closet after years of operating openly in defiance of its own rules to say “yes homo” and allow homosexual clergy and weddings. The coverage of Russell Moore’s Christianity Today raises interesting questions about his theological conviction after the outlet described the tolerance of homosexual pastors as a […]

There Was One Based Methodist After All

The United Methodist Church overwhelmingly voted to allow homosexual pastors and weddings. And despite the fact that fewer than 10% opposed the latest degradation, there was one righteous man in Sodom. Jerry Kulah is a UMC Elder from Liberia and he offered a strong rebuke to the United Methodist Church. United Methodist bishop from Liberia […]

United Methodist Church Comes Out Of The Closet On Homosexual Pastors

Whereas the Episcopalians and Presbyterian Church USA are the butch lesbian grandmother of denominations, the United Methodist Church has been the preppy gay kid denomination for quite some time. Several years ago, the United Methodist Chruch became embattled over the issue of homosexual pastors after several years of not policing sodomy in its congregations or […]

United Methodist Pastor Arrested For Selling Meth In Exchange For Watching Gay Sex

The United Methodist Church has a lot of issues these days with the ugly divorce over whether to allow gay or transvestite pastors. But one man put the meth in Methodism and was arrested accordingly. Herbert Miller was a reverend in Woodbury, Connecticut. Miller was arrested on February 9. The pastor is accused of possession with […]

Russell Moore Blames Conservatives For Church Divisions Russell Moore is officially the Editor-In-Chief at Christianity Today. Let the cringe commence or resume. This is Compromise Today, we are talking about. In one of the first cringe articles Russell Moore has written, he lays blame on conservatives for church divisions, calling their grievances ethnonationalist alt-right identity politics. Now, who does this describe? […]

United Methodist Church goes Full Branch Covidian in Seattle Area Kent United Methodist Church went viral for boasting their COVID Nazi policies on social media. This story was previously reported by both Protestia and Reformation Charlotte. However, Kent UMC may have been the most brazen in broadcasting their “show me your papers” policy, but the United Methodist Church in their area is all on board with […]

Woke Methodists form new denomination

The plan to take over society by Cultural Marxists is well known as the “long march through the institutions.” In this, every societal institution: government, entertainment, education, sports, corporate America, and even the church has been or is in the process of being taken over by Cultural Marxism. The larger point here is that Marxists […]

DarkLinks 25: Tinslee Lewis, Todd Bentley, and Rosaria Butterfield

This edition of DarkLinks is very diverse in its subject matter. Last week, I published lessons learned from the WakeUpOlive fiasco about Bethel’s failed resurrection. So I begin this DarkLinks with a contrast with my colleague praying for healing in a godly way for Tinslee Lewis. This recognizes both God’s sovereignty and love. Next we […]

Watch: UMC split over biblical sexuality

This is video was produced by the Evangelical Dark Web, using our previous article on the topic. Please consider supporting our YouTube channel. A deal has been made to buy out the Christians from the United Methodist Church, giving the orthodox Methodists the resources to start their own denomination, thereby leaving the UMC to its […]