White Fragility Top 3 Criticisms

It’s past time I wrap up my series on rebutting White Fragility. This video summarizes my top three criticisms of the book. Fallacy of Nonfalsifiablity In layman terms, this is a head I win tails you lose structure of argument. She argues that white fragility is a real phenomenon and your disagreement is further proof […]
The Gospel Coalition unveils Marxist podcast series

It’s an open secret in the world of protestant Christianity that The Gospel Coalition is pushing the Social Justice Gospel. In-between writing puff pieces to sooth Christian consciences to vote for Joe Biden and slandering Kyle Rittenhouse, 2020 has been quite a revealing year for the publication. but how much more obvious can the facade […]
The Marxist redefining of Racism and White Supremacy

In chapter 2, Robin DiAngelo redefines racism in her own image. This redefinition allows her to construct an argument that only white people can be racist. This further allows her to state that disagreeing with DiAngelo’s definition of racism is a act that furthers racism. One of the lovely things about reading on Kindle is […]
Christians ratio NowThis after they promote apostate church

There’s no shortage of anti-Christian bias in the American media. NowThis Media is just one of many. Many Christians successfully made them look stupid for promoting such an apostate church as a role model for following Christ. But this could not be further from the truth. In fact, almost every word in their tweet is […]