Christian News By Christians, For Christians.

Southern Baptist Convention Sends Anemic Letter To Trump

The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission is the public policy arm of the Southern Baptist Convention, America’s largest Protestant denomination. For a long time, the ERLC has been run by liberals, and so it has been ineffective in representing Southern Baptists. Over the last two years, the Southern Baptist Convention’s policy arm has been tasked […]

Texas Southern Baptists Vote To Ban Female Pastors

At the 2024 Annual Southern Baptist Convention in Indianapolis, Southern Baptists refused to ban female pastors in their constitution despite already making it a confessional issue. However, this is also a major issue at the state levels as well. In Texas, and also Virginia, there is a long Baptist heritage, and so there are multiple […]

Livestream Announcement: Woke Wars II Woke Wars II are upon us. Tonight at 9pm Eastern, we will explain what that is and who’s on what side. We will also dive into the latest controversy or hit job on Joel Webbon perpetrated by Tobias Riemenshneider of Frankfurt, Germany. This livestream could get a little spicy. Support the Evangelical Dark Web […]