Christian News By Christians, For Christians.

Al Mohler vs Tucker Carlson: The Churchill Debate Earlier this week, Tucker Carlson dropped an interview with historian Darryl Cooper that talked about the mythologizing of various events in world history, such as WWII and Jonestown. Many Evangelical leaders indignantly lashed out at Tucker Carlson, Cooper, and those sympathetic to their iconoclasm with a vitriol they lack for actual blasphemy and false […]

Livestream Announcement: Smashing Idols, The Post-War Consensus Tonight at 9pm eastern, we will dive into the controversy surrounding Tucker Carlson’s interview with Darryl Cooper who most critics did not listen to. However, it does reveal how mythologizing WWII is instrumental to the legitimacy of contemporary political notions. I think we will be discussing primarily Al Mohler’s response but other Big and […]

Doug Wilson And Al Mohler Unite For Christian Nationalism Doug Wilson and Al Mohler have not always had a publicly amiable relationship, albeit the distance was onesided. In 2022, Doug Wilson’s Canon Press would advertise having some Al Mohler content on their platform. Doug Wilson’s move was done at a time when Mohler’s contribution to the rise of Critical Race Theory in the […]

Al Mohler Changes Position On Abortion Al Mohler has been around for a long time in the Southern Baptist Convention and has had a tremendous impact on how the SBC got to where it is today. For better or worse, Al Mohler has had many position changes in his career relating to liberalism, feminism, homosexuality, and a stated position on […]

John MacArthur Responds To Alistair Begg Gay Wedding Controversy. But Is He A Hypocrite? After disinviting Alistair Begg from the Shepherds Conference, John MacArthur was asked in a recent Q&A to respond to the Alistair Begg controversy from a true Scotsman. John MacArthur gave a sound rebuke of Begg’s counsel, but there’s more to the story than just that. When Evangelical Dark Web broke the story of Alistair […]

Can Al Mohler Save The SBC? This is not the article that I want to write. As someone who is not Southern Baptist, I find myself having a more vested interest in saving the Southern Baptist Convention than most Southern Baptists. In the post-game analysis of the Annual Southern Baptist Convention, I see the true Christians largely leaderless in the […]

SBC23: A Mitigated Disaster

The annual Southern Baptist Convention was the 3rd convention in which conservative Baptist were mobilized against the liberal drift in the denomination. In this convention, the conservatives would see both continued setbacks and substantial gains, previously unseen in the previous conventions. In 2021, the conservatives lost the presidential race winning only a minor office of […]

Rick Warren Loses Appeal At Annual Southern Baptist Convention Yesterday at the 2023 Annual Southern Baptist Convention, messengers took a vote on whether to sustain or overrule the decision to disfellowship Saddleback Church over its ordination of women. The results were not published that session. Instead messengers would learn the results the following day. The results were as follows: 9437 (88.46%) messengers voted […]

David Sills Refiles Lawsuit Against SBC in Tennessee

David Sills was the most prominent figure portrayed as a sex abuser, despite the allegations against him categorically not being sexual abuse. As a result, David Sills filed a lawsuit in Alabama seeking recourse for defamation. The Mississippi resident’s case in Alabama has been contested with minimum contact grounds in Alabama, which has resulted in […]