The Bonhoeffer Movie Was A Flop

Dietrich Bonhoeffer is the martyr of the Post-War Consensus and 20th-century liberalism’s syncretism with the church. Despite being a theological liberal who denied the Apostle’s Creed, Bonhoeffer has become more myth than man. Indeed he was not a liberal pastor on the outskirts of a liberal German denomination. He was a pastor, spy, and an […]
Cringe: Eric Metaxas’s Lazy Letter To The American Church

Originally, Godwin’s Law invoked that on a long enough timeline, every debate would devolve into Nazi accusations and ad-Hitler hominin attacks. Nowadays, Godwin’s Law is the starting point for any discourse, reflecting a remarkable degradation in human intelligence. Several months back, upon viewing the trailer, we concluded that Eric Metaxas’s Letter to the American Church […]
Eric Metaxas’s Letter To The American Church Documentary Is NGMI “Not gonna make it” is a modern colloquial expression. It is often used in online communities, particularly in gaming and internet culture, to express that someone is not likely to succeed or achieve a particular goal. The term is typically used in a lighthearted or joking manner, but it can also convey a sense […]
Livestream Announcement: NGMI Evangelicalism Tonight at 9 pm eastern Evangelical Dark Web will be discussing strategy, tactics, and messaging that are NGMI (not gonna make it.) We will be discussing a documentary trailer as well as recent articles and more. Support the Evangelical Dark Web By becoming a member of Evangelical Dark Web, you get access to more […]