Wesley Huff Talks Gospel, Jordan Peterson with Joe Rogan

Within the realm of Christian apologetics, Wesley Huff has had a meteoric rise to prominence after humiliating Billy Carson in a debate, exposing Carson’s intellectual ineptitude. Huff is the Central Canada Director for Apologetics Canada. After the debate, his YouTube channel more than doubled to over 271K from well under 100K subs. This garnered the […]
Jordan Peterson, Elon Musk, and Cultural Christianity

Jordan Peterson’s interview with Jordan Peterson was an attempt to psychoanalyze the world’s richest man. But in Freudian fashion the ego got in the way. Jordan Peterson, perhaps star stricken by the presence of Elon Musk repeatedly attempted to flex his knowledge, ideas, and upcoming book to Elon Musk for his personal validation. But in […]
Livestream Announcement: Jordan Peterson, Elon Musk, Cultural Christianity

https://youtu.be/g1336STBrkQ Tonight we will be discussing the Jordan Peterson, Elon Musk private lecture. You’ll see why I do not call it an interview. Elon Musk claims to be culturally Christian and to have a war against wokeness. We shall discuss the legitimacy of either claim. Tonight at 9pm eastern. Support the Evangelical Dark Web By […]
The Fall Of Jordan Peterson

https://youtu.be/nOroMhNXYaw The rise of Jordan Peterson to becoming a prolific self-help author for men after taking the banal stance on refusing to be compelled to use preferred pronouns, but obliging if asked. After much success, Peterson landed a lucrative deal with Daily Wire with an increased focus on religious content. Whereas, last year Jordan Peterson […]
Jordan Peterson: Pro-Islam, Anti-Christ

https://youtu.be/iUmJ854InQE Jordan Peterson has made a lucrative career selling self-help to men seeking an ordered life. Despite personal hypocrisy with regard to orderly living, Jordan Peterson has branched out into teaching on religion. It was his Bible series in which Dennis Prager of PragerU defended pornography as not a sin. Jordan Peterson has become a […]
Dennis Prager and Jordan Peterson Defend Lust, Pornography

https://youtu.be/Ea8RMYQccHg As a nonbeliever, according to his daughter who also lacks a credible profession of faith, Jordan Peterson has made a lot of money with his teachings on the Bible. His Genesis content is some of his most viewed content, and he has followed it up with Exodus. Peterson has recently released a clip of […]
Effeminate: Jordan Peterson Cries While Calling Israel Moral City On A Hill

Many people see Jordan Peterson as a the king of the Man-O-Sphere. 12 Rules For Life is a world renown self-help book marketed to men. Needless to say, many people idolize Jordan Peterson, but the guy is rather effeminate in real life. In a recent trip to Israel, Jordan Peterson breaks down crying in the […]
Christ or Chaos 2: Jordan Peterson, Dave Rubin, and Elon Musk

https://youtu.be/ikqjXZgk-oM The latest Evangelical Dark Web stream on Christ or Chaos tackles some of the most influential secular figures in or on the periphery of the conservative movement in the United States, as well as abroad. The three figures inspiring the conversation were Jordan Peterson, Dave Rubin, and Elon Musk. In the stream, we tackle […]
The Idolatry of Jordan Peterson

There is a difference between prominence and idolization. One can be prominent in a given market or movement without becoming idolized. Men like Rush Limbaugh were distinguished and influential without developing a cult of personality. Modern figures as Tucker Carlson or Joe Rogan are influential and are within the routine of regular viewers, but they […]