Theologically Sound. Culturally Relevant.

Phil Vischer argues those who leave the faith are saved

Phil Vischer, best known for creating Veggie Tales has long taken up the Social Justice Gospel and otherwise been compromised by worldly ambitions. In a Twitter rant that went viral, Phil Vischer argued against orthodox and historic Christian teaching on soteriology, the study of salvation. In doing so, Phil Vischer argued that Christians standing against […]

Revisiting: Paul Nehlen’s antisemitism is inconsistent with Christianity

This was an article I wrote back in January, 2018. I wanted to revisit this to highlight the anti-biblical nature of Jew-hatred. The article looks a little different than its original form due to Paul Nehlen’s banishment from Twitter. On of the purposes of Startup Christ will undoubtedly be to combat heretics. In discussion with […]