Christian News By Christians, For Christians.

Sean McDowell vs Preston Sprinkle: Compromise On Homosexuality Sean McDowell is the son of Josh McDowell, the famous apologist, and is an apologist with 306k subs on YouTube. Meanwhile, Preston Sprinkle is the leading figure promoting Side B Theology in the church which errantly teaches that homosexual identity and desires are not sinful and therefore do not need to be repented of. […]

Sean McDowell Defends He Gets Us Campaign The He Gets Us Campaign spent millions of dollars on woke Super Bowl ads that essentially paint Christians as the bad guys. The frivolity of this expenditure was made even more devastating when a Christian YouTuber fixed the commercial they ran to make a compelling gospel narrative where none could be found in any […]

Sean McDowell Peddles Side B Heresy In Andy Stanley Rebuttal Sean McDowell is a popular Christian YouTube apologist with 189K subs on the platform. He recently did a deep dive on the Unconditional Conference hosted at Andy Stanley’s Church. As expected this was a major boon for his channel as the video in question garnered 100K views and the acclaim of Ruslan KD and […]

Does Apologist Sean McDowell Give Too Much Credence to Brandon Robertson?

Sean McDowell is a famous apologist platformed by Biola University and does frequent interviews on his channel with false teachers and unbelievers. He has come under fire by Discernment ministries, like Dissenter and Doctrinal Watchdog, for platforming Brandon Robertson, a homosexual pastor. Brandon Robertson was the Baptist News Global writer who argued that Christians should […]