Theologically Sound. Culturally Relevant.

Ligon Duncan Denies Existence Of Big Eva, Jesus Calling Herod A Fox

Ligon Duncan recently appeared on Room for Nuance for an interview discussing theonomy, the Moscow Mood, and other issues. In the interview, Duncan would score a major goal on himself, as well as deny the existence of Big Eva. Duncan scoffs at the idea of Big Eva, claiming that there is no Evangelical industrial complex. […]

The Only Fans Converts Debate A recent high-profile Only Fans convert to Christianity is a launching pad for all sorts of conversations about the “born again virgin” trend; cynicism of the Manosphere; genuine conversion; a conflicting religious upbringing; genuine repentance; and what level of orthopraxis could be expected from a recent convert renown for sin. Ryan from RCAM joins […]

Jeff Iorg Elected CEO Of SBC Executive Committee

The Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee has finally filled the vacancy of its President/CEO position that had been vacant since 2021 when Ronnie Floyd resigned. After an elongated process, the Executive Committee unanimously elected Jeff Iorg to be its leader. The Executive Committee is the SBC in between the annual meetings. for two and a […]