Christian News By Christians, For Christians.

The Vindication of Joel Webbon Joel Webbon is arguably the most prolific Christian Nationalist pastor today. Last year he wrote a book called Fight By Flight where he advocated, based on his own lived experiences, that Christians should move from blue states to red states if they both want to and are able. Some recent data has come out vindicating […]

Nashville Manifesto Leaks Despite Southern Baptist Convention’s Efforts

The Tennessee Star published the Nashville Manifesto in its entirety on Tuesday. This was a massive win for free press as well as Christians who wanted to know the truth as to why believers were martyred in the Covenant School Shooting. Brent Leatherwood spent 2023 and 2024 using the Southern Baptist Convention to suppress the […]

Download The Nashville Shooter Manifesto

The Nashville Manifesto of Audrey Hale has been made public thanks to the Tennessee Star. And we want to spread the word far and wide as there are those who want to suppress the contents because they showcase the liberal brain rot of Hale. The Star’s website makes users fill out a form to get […]