Christian News By Christians, For Christians.

The Ego of James White White yells at the audience to sit down, shut up, and await Tobias Riemenschneider’s response. In the aftermath of Tobias Riemenschneider uploading a podcast on Eschatology Matters that slandered Joel Webbon, has not been fading. Last week, the recorded Zoom call that Riemenschneider had not anticipated the existence of was leaked which demonstrably proved […]

Did Mike Johnson Compromise On Transgenderism?

Mike Johnson is raising his status after the election of Donald Trump has him apart of the entourage of the President-Elect. Yet when asked about the incoming transvestite congressman out of Deleware, Mike Johnson’s answer had many believing him to have caved on the issue. When asked whether Congressman-Elect McBride is a man or a woman, […]