Theologically Sound. Culturally Relevant.

James White’s War Against Aristotle

Dr. James White is a longstanding stalwart in Christian apologetics and has decades of experience doing various debates while pastoring at Apologia Church. Since the release of The Case for Christian Nationalism, White has been a critic of Wolfe’s work, at one point, following the lead of James Lindsay, calling Wolfe gnostic for suggesting that […]

John Calvin’s Theology: Incrementalism or Abolitionism

The positive externality of Stephen Wolfe’s The Case for Christian Nationalism is the renewed renaissance for reading the Reformers, Puritans, and other historic Christian thinkers. This coincides with the rise of the Dissident Right, who are willing to read extrabiblical influences regarding politics like Bertrand de Juvenal, Carl Schmitt, John C Calhoon, James Burnham, and […]

Andy Stanley Unhitches the Gospel from the Bible Many apologists, like William Lane Craig and Ravi Zacharias, attempt to outsmart the Bible to their own detriment. Andy Stanley looked to join their ranks in a recent sermon. After famously preaching about how the Christianity is unhitched from the Old Testament, Andy Stanley is now arguing that the gospel is unhitched from the […]

I read White Fragility so you didn’t have to

It’s not unnecessary for the church in America to want to address the rising racial tensions. In fact, the church should be a reliable witness on social issues. However, it is a betrayal for the Church to push a Marxist book like White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo. And this is what I have witnessed, without a […]

My dialog with a Mike Todd follower

The Evangelical Dark Web reader-requested verdict on Michael Todd has gotten traffic and engagement, much of it from people who hold differing opinions and theology. One reader who is a follower of someone labeled a false teacher responded to our verdict. Rather than bury their argument against our very purpose of a site we responded […]

NOQReport Why every Christian should study apologetics

JD Rucker, a colleague of mine over at NOQReport, created this video explaining the importance of apologetics for the walk of every Christian. As Christians, this is our calling as shown in the verse provided below. The importance of apologetics is not to take away from the importance of advancing our understanding of scripture or […]