Christian News By Christians, For Christians.

David Bahnsen Attacks J6ers In Light Of Pardon

Donald Trump’s pardon of the patriots arrested for January 6 was not welcomed by all in Christian circles. While many liberal Evangelical subversives attacked J6ers including Bart Barber while president of the Southern Baptist Convention, there are also Mid Eva figures who feign being politically right wing who attacked these patriots as well. Enter David […]

Vindication Of January 6

President Donald Trump kicked off his Presidency with a series of day one executive orders. One of the most significant was a pardon for 1500 January 6ers who were arrested. These people were attacked by Big Eva, the liberal media, and even Republicans. And to much surprise, these forgotten patriots were included in Trump’s first […]

Naomi Wolf vs Big Eva: Apologizing for January 6 Reaction

Because of Covid, Naomi Wolf has become one of the disaffected liberals who has actionably shifted against the tide of liberalism. She is not a Bill Maher offering weekly critiques but is an activist in the fight against Branch Covidian tyranny in the likes of a Steve Kirsch. Her recent column on her Substack entitled, […]