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David Bahnsen

David Bahnsen Attacks J6ers In Light Of Pardon

Donald Trump’s pardon of the patriots arrested for January 6 was not welcomed by all in Christian circles. While many liberal Evangelical subversives attacked J6ers including Bart Barber while president of the Southern Baptist Convention, there are also Mid Eva figures who feign being politically right wing who attacked these patriots as well.

Enter David Bahnsen, the son of famed apologist Greg Bahnsen who was notorious for presuppositional apologetics. As a result of his lineage, Bahnsen has emerged as a Mid Eva figure. He is even slated to speak at Reformed Con in April.

In light of President Trump’s pardon of 1500 J6ers, Bahnsen equated them to Joe Biden’s eleventh hour pardons of political allies.

My friend Mark Halperin just said on [2 Way] that they haven’t found any Republicans call the Trump pardons of all the Jan6 people disgusting. I just wanted to say, “the Biden family pardons were disgusting, AND the Trump Jan6 pardons that do not differentiate between those who broke laws and those who did not were disgusting.” All kinds of disgusting. Disgusting pardons from both yesterday. No conservative can defend the sweeping nature of these pardons. Just like no decent liberal can defend Biden’s. Consistency matters.

David Bahnsen attacked Donald Trump’s pardons for being broad and therefore unjust. There is no rationale other than who did or did not “break the law” whereby antiquated laws were revived in order to charge people, or how many were imprisoned for trespassing even though outside of J6, trespassing charges are rarely prosecuted. The people who “broke the law” were let in by Capitol Police. So there are several layers to Bahnsen’s political ineptitude.

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4 Responses

  1. I believe the illegal destruction of all the J6 committee records was a crime. It was one of many Biden pardoned them for perpetrating. Trump would have released these records and they would have made your hair stand on end in the documentaries that followed. The young woman shot by the Capitol cop was refused life saving medical attention for a half hour, those around her were stabilizing her when cops shoved them aside then she died. Her illegal assailant, the cop that murdered her was pardoned by Biden . This, along with that committees illegal actions while seated still as a committee smacked of 3rd world marxism and forced Trump (fortunately) to be unable to fairly “differentiate” between any of those involved. Some of those imprisoned have had their lives and those of their families destroyed.

  2. David Bahnsen is a traitorous false teacher. Undoubtedly, he is a huge fan of race-mixing, zionism, and jews.

    Dave Bahnsen says: “No conservative can defend the sweeping nature of these pardons.”

    Notice how Bahnsen is manipulatively trying to take ownership of “conservatism” and gaslight conservative Christians into believing that neocon cuckservatism is actually conservatism.

    As I have mentioned before, this sort of manipulative gaslighting can be easily refuted and defeated, by showing that you don’t care what names the traitors call you.

    Whenever any manipulator tries these gaslighting tactics on me and calls me a “woke liberal” or a “Democrat” or a “socialist” or whatever, I simply respond:

    “You don’t get to define what it means to be a conservative, especially since you are twisting and corrupting the definition of conservatism to serve jewish interests. Modern “conservatism” isn’t actually conservative. Modern “conservatism” is neoliberal. Anyway, I’m not interested in playing your manipulative word games. I don’t care what names you call me. My political views are simple: If something benefits the White race, I support it. If something harms the White race, I oppose it. If modern fake “conservatism” is against White racial loyalty, then I’m not a modern “conservative”.”

    You can use the same response when manipulative so-called “Christian” traitors try to claim ownership of Christianity and accuse anyone who has racial loyalty of “not being a Christian.”

    Just respond: “You don’t get to define Christianity or what it means to be a Christian. Jesus says that the only thing necessary to be a Christian is to believe in Him as Savior. So quit adding your own cultural marxist antichrist requirements to Christianity. You’re a lying false teacher, telling lies about Christ and Christianity in order to manipulate and gaslight Christians into embracing cultural marxism. You’re a lying traitor who is corrupting and perverting and twisting Christianity, to serve jewish interests. You are betraying Christ and the Christian flock, in exchange for (((earthly rewards))). You’re a lying manipulative traitor hoping to curry favor with the (((enemies))) of Christ.”

  3. David Bahnsen demonstrates here why general equity theonomy is trash. The Law of Moses is Jewish and thus anyone trying to apply it to Gentiles becomes a raving libtard like David Bahnsen. For example see Deut 22:8 “When you build a new house, you shall make a parapet for your roof, that you may not bring the guilt of blood upon your house, if any one fall from it.” This is where libtarded ideas like you not being allowed to shoot a home invader come from! So, you’re guilty if a home invader trying to break in from the roof falls off? It’d be comical if it wasn’t destroying our society! This is not from God but made up by the Jews. That is why God did away with the law; most of it was manmade; he had to do away with it lest we mistake the mandmade liberal nonsense in the law as from God. Therefore general equity theonomy is Talmudism and of Satan.

  4. ” Jesus says that the only thing necessary to be a Christian is to believe in Him as Savior. “❓

    Someone needs to read their Bible quite a bit more. 🙄 Or comprehend the far reaching goals just that statement by it self should entail.

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