Theologically Sound. Culturally Relevant.

Aimee Byrd Ordained By Gay Affirming “Church” to Perform Wedding

The elevation of women in Christian spaces leads to liberalism, particularly in areas of teaching, theology, or writing. One of many such examples is Aimee Byrd, a feminist who arose out of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. It was P&R Publishing, which stands for Presbyterian & Reformed, that published her first book Housewife Theologian in 2013. […]

OPC General Assembly Sustains Complaint Against Female Teachers

Within the major church denominations, egalitarian heresy is the most pervasive debate, affecting the SBC, PCA, ACNA, and even the OPC. While each of these denominations has its other issues, 2024 seems to be the year where this debate is the biggest within the church, despite being settled so clearly in Scripture. Nevertheless, even the […]

Michael Spangler’s Unjust Divestiture from the OPC

Every denomination has its Ryan Turnipseed, a pariah that the elites within the denomination seek to punish for politically incorrect wrongspeak. Within the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, Michael Spangler is that pariah who was divested from ministry over a “lack of giftedness.” This is not a formal act of church discipline or excommunication, but simply a […]