Presbyterian Church USA To Recognize ‘Transgender Day Of Visibility’
The Presbyterian Church USA is racing to become the gayest denomination in the United States. At its general assembly last month, they decided to advance the gay agenda by promoting one of its holy days on their liturgical calendar: Transgender Day of Visibility. In other business under consideration, RSG-04, a joint recommendation from the Advocacy Committee for […]
Redeemed Zoomer vs Andrew Isker: Is The Boniface Option Retreatist? Andrew Isker’s book The Boniface Option is a lot of things, but it comes as a surprise to hear the book be called “retreatist” by Redeemed Zoomer. Redeemed Zoomer is a popular Christian YouTuber with 394K subs. He is also the face of the broader movement for the Reconquista of Mainline denominations. Last week […]
Presbyterian Church USA Seeks To Kill Reconquista Movement Redeemed Zoomer is a prominent Christian YouTuber with 355K subs who has produced a lot of content explaining the basics of Christian theology in a compelling format for YouTube. On top of this, he is among the most prominent figures in the Reconquista Movement for apostate denominations. He is currently an active layman in […]
Redeemed Zoomer Goes Full Darwinist One of the most prominent Christian YouTube channels right now is Redeemed Zoomer who stands at a whopping 125K subs on the platform. His most popular content is animated explainers on Christianity. However, he is also working on an ambitious plan to save apostate denominations. Redeemed Zoomer believes that protestants can reconquer these denominations […]
Aimee Byrd Attacks It’s Good To Be A Man For Successful Book
A common response in sports trash talking is scoreboard whereby the fan’s excuses for performance are dismissed by the results on the field. In the case of Big Eva, feminist author Aimee Byrd has made a career selling books nuancing complementarianism in the Presbyterian circles. It’s Good To Be A Man was a ministry founded […]
DarkLinks 1: Gay churches shrink, Media relying on Hateclicks, Sviatovid, and more
This is the inaugural edition of DarkLinks, so explanation is needed. The Evangelical Dark Web is a rising tide of believers that want to put aside personalities/egos. With that in mind, DarkLinks is the highlights from other websites that could be categorized under the Evangelical Dark Web umbrella. Newsflash: Pro-Gay Churches Are Shrinking, Not Growing […]