Theologically Sound. Culturally Relevant.

Why Christian Nationalism Is So Controversial Yet So Important Jon Harris is one of the leading and best podcasters doing yeoman’s work exposing false teaching in the church. A few weeks ago, Evangelical Dark Web interviewed him to talk about history. Jon Harris has recently been working on his own project to counteract the 1619 Project without the flaws of the kneejerk reaction […]

America’s Three Deadly Sins

Over the last several decades, the idea of American exceptionalism has been eroded as the cultural Marxists have overtaken every institution. The creed GK Chesterton once described American being founded upon has been rejected by the cultural revolution. For the past century, Europe largely descended into the post-Christian and secular nations it remains today. Meanwhile […]

Is Craig Groeschel a false teacher?

Category 4 Verdict: Craig Groeschel has a demonstrable pattern of doing what will profit himself the most, including the strategic adoption of Cultural Marxism Preface At the request of one of our readers, we have been asked to investigate whether Craig Groeschel is a false teacher. You can make a request here, and we will honor […]

The State of the American Church 2020

In 2018, around Resurrection Sunday, I pondered the question as to whether Christianity was at an all time low in the United States. This was an effort to provide a broader perspective on the history of the church within American history. In 2018, however, the church’s trajectory was hard to predict. I concluded then: Christianity […]

Is American Christianity at an all time low?

There are a lot of doomsday articles on the state of Christianity in the present day. Why not? So many professed Christians don’t know where their Bibles are, don’t attend church, and don’t believe in the fundamental doctrines of Christianity(ie. existence of Hell and Satan). There are disturbing public opinion polls on religion, in that, […]