Theologically Sound. Culturally Relevant.

Justin Peters vs. Michael Brown: On Benny Hinn and Repentance

In the realm of discernment, Justin Peters is an Original Gangster, often tackling various lower-hanging fruits who have massive followings like Steven Furtick, Joel Osteen, and Benny Hinn. He is a well-known cessationist and while he has somewhat stepped back from discernment, he is not removed from the fight and is a warrior for the […]

Christian Leaders Repudiate Branch Covidianism With Frankfurt Declaration It can be easily said that over the last two and a half years, the church has failed miserably in its response to lockdowns. Instead of telling the truth, the church capitulated to, if not, enthusiastically promoted the lies. It has unfortunately been the less theologically robust camps that defied government tyranny. John MacArthur […]

Justin Peters is right about the Babylon Bee Elon Musk interview The Babylon Bee recently had the opportunity to interview Elon Musk, and the interview that resulted was received with controversy by grassroots Christian media. Justin Peters is the most notable critic of the Babylon Bee’s handling of the gospel in front of Elon Musk. Upon seeing the entire clip, the evidence is overwhelmingly in favor of […]