Michael Brown’s Struggle Session, Veiled Attack On Nicene Council

https://youtu.be/S-XuVKWPRFo Michael Brown is the hyper-charismatic preacher who is perhaps the most famous figure in “Messianic Judaism,” a denominational tradition that tries to blend Modern Judaism and Christianity. Michael Brown has gone after the Reformation believing that Benny Hinn is a better theologian than Martin Luther. But more recently, his writings suggest an inability to […]
Justin Peters vs. Michael Brown: On Benny Hinn and Repentance

In the realm of discernment, Justin Peters is an Original Gangster, often tackling various lower-hanging fruits who have massive followings like Steven Furtick, Joel Osteen, and Benny Hinn. He is a well-known cessationist and while he has somewhat stepped back from discernment, he is not removed from the fight and is a warrior for the […]
Michael Brown and Chris Rosebrough Attack Martin Luther

https://youtu.be/9W8UcWaT8tU Michael Brown is one of the most prominent of charismatic apologists and has a long history of defending Prosperity Gospel preachers including Bill Johnson. Recently he made an argument that Benny Hinn was less of a heretic than Martin Luther because Martin Luther didn’t like Jews. This argument was used as a cudgel against […]
Michael Brown Defends Mike Bickle’s Legacy, the New Apostolic Reformation

Whereas some men are apologists for Creation, others the historicity of the bible, Michael Brown is the most prolific apologist for hypercharismatic Christianity. Because of certain culture war issues, Brown gained clout with many Christians and conservatives, much as teachers like Eric Metaxas, Sean Feucht, or Mark Driscoll, where people appreciate their stances on cultural […]
Michael Brown vs. Palestinian Christians

On October 20th, a group of Palestinian Christians and Eastern Orthodox believers, both within Israel and Palestine, issued an open letter entitled, “An Open Letter from Palestinian Christians to Western Church Leaders and Theologians,” that while imperfect for reason which will be outlined, offered a stance critical against the actions of Israel and unsurprisingly, was derided […]
Discussing John MacArthur, building Christian platforms, and Trump with Jeff Dornik

In the third interview for Evangelical Dark Web, I interviewed my most controversial guest yet, Jeff Dornik. But despite the hate he may receive from Twitter mobs, I consider Jeff a reliable ally in both the fight against the Social Justice Gospel and for political conservatism. Jeff is someone I have watched and learned from […]